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  • Building LogicPro AU3 templates from scratch

    For those that are interested in building up a LogicPro AU3 project without having to start out with one of the templates already provided and without having to even look at or think about the LogicPro Enviornment!  

    here are the most simple instructions that we could figure out (thanks debudde) for contributing some info to figure this out!)

    Note, I put better instructions on VI control with the graphics inserted in the instructrions, here:

    1. Start by using the Track->New Tracks menu command to pull up the new tracks wizard.  Place an instance of VEP AU3.  Make sure to click the multi-timbral checkbox.  This could be as many as 16 parts, but for now let's specify just 1 part for the sake of learning.

    2. Select the track header for the newly created track.  Select Track->Other->New Track with Next Channel  (key command ctrl-Return).  Do this 15 times until you have 16 tracks created, each one with a new midi channel.

    3. While the last track is selected, go to the track inspector and change its port and midi channel assignments to port 2, channel 1.

    4. Now select the track above it, which should be midi channel 15.  Choose Track->Other->New Track with Next Channel (ctrl-return) to create a new track for channel 16.

    5. Now select the last track again, (the one we changed to port 2, channel 1 in step #3 above).  Then repeat steps 2-4 above.

    6. You can do this repeatedly until you get to Port 8, channel 15.  Port 8, Channel 16 and higher is not allowed as Logic is limited to 127 total midi channels per AU3 plugin.  After that start over at step#1 to connected to further VEP instances with up to 127 tracks each.

    That's it.  Pretty easy.  Using this you can build up a large template pretty quickly or even add VEP AU3 with 127 tracks to an extisting project, etc..  Here are some photos of the process, I don't know if I can insert them into the above message in a more sensible way, I don't know how with this forum.

    NOTE TO APPLE, if they improved LPX slightly, they could eliminate steps 3-5 above.  The Next Channel menu command ought to advance through all 127 channels across 8 ports without having to do that little step.  Or they could provide a command like Track->Other->New Track with Next Port, but I think Next Channel ought to just advance to the next port.  Even better they could improve the New Tracks wizard so that we can create instantly up to 127 multi-timbral parts for AU3 instrument plugins and it can just do it all for us right there on the spot.  If you agree, please submit feature request.  The above is not too terribly bad though.




  • This doesn't quite work.  When I try to change the track 17 to port 2 channel 1 in step 6, it also changes the track 16 to port 2 channel 1.  So those two tracks aren't unique.

  • Oh man you're right I missed that.  Let me see if I can figure out a step to resolve that...

  • yeah, you have to do that in the environment. 

  • I think you're right  :-(

    Well its still not too terribly bad of a way to build up tracks, better then the copy and paste enviornment hell I was doing before to build up a large template.

    Updating my original post, though I'm less exctied about it now, I was hoping it would be a way to avoid the scary enviornment.

  • I found a way to make this work.

    Using the old instructions, after step 6 (where you rename channel 17 to be port 2, channel 1), do this:

    6a. Select and delete either one of the tracks that are port 2 channel 1.

    6b.  Select the second to  last channel again (e.g., port 1, channel 15) and then select Track>other>new track with next midi channel as before.  

    These two steps break the link between what was port 1 channel 16 and what wants to be port 2 chanel 1.

  • I’ll play with that today thanks for working on it!!

  • Good one!  That does work.  I will repost full instructions later, or you can!

  • It's even easier...

    After creating port1, channel 16...

    6a Rename port 1, channel 16 to port 2, channel 1

    6b backfill port1, channel 16 by selecting port1 channepo 15 and create new track with increementing channel.

  • Here are the steps:

    1. In the software instruments dialog, create an AU3 multitimbral track with 1 part
    2. Track>Other>New track with next MIDI channel (ctrl-return)
    3. Repeat step 2 until you have as many channels as you want for that port up to 16 channels (stop when you get to 127 channels)
    4. Select the last track, Change to port n+1, channel 1 in the track inspector
    5. Select there second to last track and do step 2 (this back fills the previous port)
    6. Select the last track and repeat steps 2 through 6 (stop at 127 channels)

  • yep. thanks for figuring that out, works like a charm.  I will update the first post of the thread with instructions and photos.