I Guys. I'm not an expert user of Vienna Instruments Software, so I need Help.
I was trying to assign two different instruments, i.e. Euphonium and bass trombone, to two different matrixs of the same instance of Vienna Instrument pro, and than I assigned each instruments to two different tracks in may host (cubase), in the sense that the "Outs" of the twoTracks are the same Vienna Instruments pro.
I need to use both of instruments simultaneously but I was not able to manage controllers of each track (such as CC1, CC11, KS to change articulation etc.) separately, in the sense that changing parameters just in one track only, this affects both instruments in Vienna: parameters of two tracks come into conflict with each other.
I noticed that in the manual is written that " all the controllers are global controllers that affect the whole V.I. instance": may be that's why I can not manage more than one instrument separately in the same instance of V.I. and assign them to different tracks?
The question is: Can I assign several different instruments to different matrix in the same instance of V.Instruments, and use global controllers of the Vienna Instrumenst player (CC or Ks) in order that their use affect separately to each instruments/matrix? Thanks.