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  • [SOLVED] Cubase 10 Super Long Load and Close Times VE PRO 7

    VE PRO 6 was working great.....opened my insanely large template in about 1:55 and closed it fairly quickly....well under a minute.


    VE PRO7 loads it in over 5:30 minutes and takes almost 10 minutes to close.......absolutely terrible.  There is a lot to like about VE PRO 7 but it is not very workable with these load/unload times....especially since one of the new features is "faster connection" times.

    Going back to VE PRO 6....any thoughts on what may be the issue is appreciated.


    I am on Windows 10 on all machines....1 Master and 4 slaves.

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    Hi dlpmusic,

    That shouldn't be the case.

    Which plug-ins are involved in your setup? Do you want to send a link to such a Cubase 10 song to, so we can check? Do you have any suspicions which part of the loading process could be the culprit?

    As we have just released an update: Did you check with VE Pro 7.0.834 yet?


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • It was 7.0.807....which was what we saw available yesterday.  Had to go back to VE PRO 6.....hard to do a lot of testing here.  There are many plugins.....not suspecting one in particular since the whole template across 4 slave machines really loads slow but disconnects incredibly slow.  We will send you the Cubase file in the meantime. 

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    @Paul said:

    Hi dlpmusic, 

    That shouldn't be the case. 

    Which plug-ins are involved in your setup? Do you want to send a link to such a Cubase 10 song to, so we can check? Do you have any suspicions which part of the loading process could be the culprit?

    As we have just released an update: Did you check with VE Pro 7.0.834 yet?



    I have many plugins....Kontakts, Omnisphere's, etc.....   Thoought it was worth mentioning that I have about a dozen Steinberg HALION 6 instances and a huge amount of the HALion Sonic SE instances...probably close to a hundred of them.


    I did find a bug a while ago in HALion (platform) that may or may not be related.  If that patch utilizes one of the convolution effects in Halion (sonic se), like the VST amps or Convulotion reverb, there is a bug in VE PRO 6 or Halion itself that causes very long connection time to VE PRO the first time it connects.  After it connects once you can disconnect and reconnect without any issues.  Perhaps this problem is related to VE PRO 7?

  • Quitting here is usually a problem, I'm accustomed to force quit, I don't have the patience and as far as I can tell it hangs.

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    @civilization 3 said:

    Quitting here is usually a problem, I'm accustomed to force quit, I don't have the patience and as far as I can tell it hangs.


    I really hope they take this issue serious and get it fixed soon.  Nothing like seeing the main feature for upgrading was "faster connect/disconnect" but to only find that it loads and closes sequences in Cubase in a manner that just feels like it is broken. 


    The version I actually use is VE PRO 6.0.16078....which works quite well.  Every version I tried after that seemed like it had some sort of issue that made me go back.

  • It loads faster than 6 here, easily.

    I don't mind force quitting, but right now it hung loading a different .vesp and force quit out of that; and while it appears to not be running, the icon is in the dock and it will not start. I will have to reboot the machine.

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    @civilization 3 said:

    It loads faster than 6 here, easily.

    I don't mind force quitting, but right now it hung loading a different .vesp and force quit out of that; and while it appears to not be running, the icon is in the dock and it will not start. I will have to reboot the machine.


    Hmmm...definitely not the case here.....the disconnect is the most concerning part but either way longer load time should not be happening and I noticed in another post that another Cubase user reported the same issues.

  • If you're on Windows, the different behavior may well be explained by the OS difference.

     I just quit the vesp I've been working on for a while now and it quit relatively promptly this time, a couple of times actually. Causing the system to freeze was pretty scary but that's only the once.

    OSX Mojave has a leaky Spotlight Indexing which I have now disabled.

  • I am on Windos 10.  Are you using Cubase?  What version of VE PRO 7 are you using?

  • Cubase 10.0.20, VEP 7 build 834.

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    @civilization 3 said:

    Cubase 10.0.20, VEP 7 build 834.


    Just tries 7.0.834 and it is just as bad for me.  Observing what connects/disconnects fast vs what doesn't might point to a particular plugin....but hard to tell.  Looks especially slow on one of my 4 machines.  This machine where it looks like the instance takes especially a long time has Halion 6, Halion SE. Omnisphere, UVI Falcon, Best Service Engine and few others.

    Unfortunately in its current state VE PRO 7 is not useable for me because of the slow load/unload times.  I hope they take this serious and dig in.  A bit concerning how there is so little posts on this problem lately.

  • What's weird for me (W7) on master/Daw - W10 on one of three slaves -- is 'first project open of the day' (I leave my puters on) - the start up of a Cubase (10.x) project is VERY slow.  BUT all subsequent project opens of THAT day are 'fast'.

    come back the next morning and FIRST project start is VERY slow (faster for all starts - throughout the day).  Not a deal breaker but a bit annoying.



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    @Rob Elliott said:

    What's weird for me (W7) on master/Daw - W10 on one of three slaves -- is 'first project open of the day' (I leave my puters on) - the start up of a Cubase (10.x) project is VERY slow.  BUT all subsequent project opens of THAT day are 'fast'.

    come back the next morning and FIRST project start is VERY slow (faster for all starts - throughout the day).  Not a deal breaker but a bit annoying.




    Yes Rob!  That is the exact same behaviour I have even with VE PRO 6......however I can explain some of that behaviour because of a strange bug in the HALion platform (not sure if it is a Steinberg problem or Vienna issue).

    I have a tremendous amount of HALion 6 and HALion SOnic SE instances in my template.  I tracked down a problem where VE PRO connects extremely slow to an instance only the very first time if HALion (6 or SE) has a patch that utilizes a convultion effect.  So if the patch has a Halion convolution effect or a Guita amp convolution effect than this causes the slow connect/disconnect for the just the first time.  After that it is fast as normal in VE PRO 6.  


    Perhaps you have something going on similar in your template which might help determine if it is a VE PRO bug.

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    @Rob Elliott said:

    What's weird for me (W7) on master/Daw - W10 on one of three slaves -- is 'first project open of the day' (I leave my puters on) - the start up of a Cubase (10.x) project is VERY slow.  BUT all subsequent project opens of THAT day are 'fast'.

    come back the next morning and FIRST project start is VERY slow (faster for all starts - throughout the day).  Not a deal breaker but a bit annoying.




    Yea - good to know.  I don't use Halion - but I bet this 'sort of thing' is happening -- somewheres 😞


    Yes Rob!  That is the exact same behaviour I have even with VE PRO 6......however I can explain some of that behaviour because of a strange bug in the HALion platform (not sure if it is a Steinberg problem or Vienna issue).

    I have a tremendous amount of HALion 6 and HALion SOnic SE instances in my template.  I tracked down a problem where VE PRO connects extremely slow to an instance only the very first time if HALion (6 or SE) has a patch that utilizes a convultion effect.  So if the patch has a Halion convolution effect or a Guita amp convolution effect than this causes the slow connect/disconnect for the just the first time.  After that it is fast as normal in VE PRO 6.  


    Perhaps you have something going on similar in your template which might help determine if it is a VE PRO bug.

  • Hi Paul,


    I sent you my Cubase 10 sequence quite a while ago.  Did you ever look into the issue?  Did you discover any issue?

  • Did you ever get this fixed? Was there some configuration that sorted it?

    I currently have the same issue and more:

    + Long close time that appears like a hang (same as you) for many minutes and longer than load time;

    + A long wait after Cubase/Nuendo has connected to all the VEP instances. Watching the CPU monitor on the Windows VEP slave machine it goes up as each instance is connected and then once all are connected, and while in Cubase there is a progress spinner, the CPU on the slave goes down to 1 or 2% as if VEP has closed, stays there for 4 or 5 minutes then quickly goes up to about 30-40% and Cubase completes and I can start work. This is the same for coupled or decoupled - no difference. 

    + And also a super slow gui in VEP when connected to DAW.


  • Nope never fixed.  I am losing any faith they will ever fix it.  I am also surprised there are not many more users complaining or experiencing these problems.


    I suspected it might have to do with I removed that plugin and made virtually no difference so I doubt it is related specifically to that one plugin in my case.


    Incredibly frustrating as VE PRO 6 basically works fine so it 100% has to be on Vienna's side to fix this.

  • Thanks for the reply.

    Hmm - I wonder if it's a Windows defender thing maybe scanning remote calls if that's even a thing. Or maybe a paging or caching thing - don't know. Strange to see the slave machine CPU drop to just OS level during that 'hang' period.

    So frustrating. If I find a solution I'll post it. 

  • Done quite a bit of testing....definitely not Windows Defender....again....same machines and VE PRO 6 works well.