What's weird for me (W7) on master/Daw - W10 on one of three slaves -- is 'first project open of the day' (I leave my puters on) - the start up of a Cubase (10.x) project is VERY slow. BUT all subsequent project opens of THAT day are 'fast'.
come back the next morning and FIRST project start is VERY slow (faster for all starts - throughout the day). Not a deal breaker but a bit annoying.
Yea - good to know. I don't use Halion - but I bet this 'sort of thing' is happening -- somewheres 😞
Yes Rob! That is the exact same behaviour I have even with VE PRO 6......however I can explain some of that behaviour because of a strange bug in the HALion platform (not sure if it is a Steinberg problem or Vienna issue).
I have a tremendous amount of HALion 6 and HALion SOnic SE instances in my template. I tracked down a problem where VE PRO connects extremely slow to an instance only the very first time if HALion (6 or SE) has a patch that utilizes a convultion effect. So if the patch has a Halion convolution effect or a Guita amp convolution effect than this causes the slow connect/disconnect for the just the first time. After that it is fast as normal in VE PRO 6.
Perhaps you have something going on similar in your template which might help determine if it is a VE PRO bug.