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  • Extremely slow loading times in VEP while I'm moving my old template

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    From 2 days I'm experiencing an issue that it is very work breaking.

    I'm copying my old template from Reaper to VEP and I have to open tracks one by one in Reaper, look at the settings in every Kontakt instance, open a Kontakt instance in VEP and copy settings there.

    While I'm doing this suddenly the Kontakt interface became extremely slow both in VEP and Reaper so I take forever to do every click or slide moving to set my instruments, sometimes VEP and Reaper freeze and crash. Kontakt works perfect in VEP or Reaper if I use them not together.

    There was no problems the first days from the initial release, I'm not able to copy my old template, I keep closing Reaper and VEP to restart them. It is very annoying...


    Any suggestion?


    Thank you



    If I try to use the main plugin in VST3 version on Reaper now crashes after a long waiting time. It seems like VEP is "deteriorating" from the initial release. This behaviors are more frequent and worst than before the last two patches.

    Please VSL, do something!


    EDIT 2

    Yesterday it is working better than today, no changes to my PC and same UPDATE (last one). Another thing I found now is that no matter if I open an instance of Kontakt in Reaper, the interface of Kontakt in VEP is laggy, it doesn't work like I explained before, I cannot set or use my instruments.

    Unusable in this conditions, why yesterday it was working at least in some way and today it doesn't work anymore. It seems that when I estabilish a connection between the server and the plugin everything goes boom... 🤔

  • Ok I replicated the issue.

    If I load my template with the plugin track already connected everything seems to works fine for a little time (until I load a new track with a kontakt instance in it).

    Then if I disconnect the plugin from VEP and then riconnect it...booom...everything inside kontakt goes slow...very very very slow...unusable...

    I'm not having such issues with the initial release.

  • A little update, if I press play on Reaper everything keeps working again. If I disconnect and re-connect the main plugin everything go to hell again.

    There must be something concerning the communication between Reaper and VEP.



    Further testing shows me that if I go to start audio engine everything goes to work again, till the next connection where it loose everything again. So I need to click on the audio engine button everytime.

    Another thing I noticed is that when I put the play cursor perfectly aligned with a note (quantized with the grid) the note doesn't play, I always have to put the play cursor before the note to hear a sound.

    It doesn't happen with an instance of Kontakt loaded directly in Reaper....

  • Hi Daniele, 

    Sorry for the delay, our development team is already working on a solution with high pressure. 

    Until then it will make sense to roll back to VE Pro 6. 

    Thanks for your patience, it's unfortunate that some bugs will always pop up with a new version of such a complex software. But we will fight through it! 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @DANIELE-ES said:

    I'm not having such issues with the initial release.

    To clarify, with initial release you mean a previous VE Pro 7 release, or VE Pro 6?


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    @Paul said:

    Hi Daniele, 

    Sorry for the delay, our development team is already working on a solution with high pressure. 

    Until then it will make sense to roll back to VE Pro 6. 

    Thanks for your patience, it's unfortunate that some bugs will always pop up with a new version of such a complex software. But we will fight through it! 



    Hi Paul, thank you for reply. I'm happy to hear that you are working on it. I hope to solve all my problems.

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    @DANIELE-ES said:

    I'm not having such issues with the initial release.

    To clarify, with initial release you mean a previous VE Pro 7 release, or VE Pro 6?


    I meant the intial release of VEP7.

    I tried VEP6 a little right before the release of VEP7 and from what I could try it works well. Right now I'll wait for this fix to come hoping that this will not require too much time.

  • Here's a GIF where I show you the unresponsive UI problem:


    Maybe it could be useful for the vsl guys. You can notice that when I click on ui buttons to show the mixer or the performance window etc...the ui not respond, you could also notice that if I minimize the window the UI works.

    PS it seems that with the last update (7.0.807) the "not playing first note on play cursor" problem is fixed.

  • I did some more testing and I noticed that when I play and stop the test instrument I obviously hear the release tail, if I go from Reaper to Vienna this suddenly stop to restart again when I came back to Reaper.
    The problems I talk about start when I stop playing in Reaper and I focus from VEP to Reaper, as if the connection were unstable or interrupted when switching from one window to another. I also tried all the settings for the plugin inside Reaper but nothing changes.
    In order:
    1. I hit play in Reaper;
    2. While the track is playing I focus VEP and the instruments UI works fine;
    3. I stop the track while I'm still in VEP focus, the Kontakt GUI keeps working fine;
    4. I came back to Reaper and I keep hearing the release tail of the instrument;
    5. I focus VEP again and the sound and GUI stop working;
    6. If I focus back to Reaper I start hearing again the tail sound;
    7. From here is VEP -> Sound stops - Reaper -> Sound resumes and so on until I press play and start the process again.

    This happens both with VST and VST3 version of the plugin.

    Maybe it is a simple configuration problem in Reaper or VEP or both...

  • I think I finally found the reason for this behavior.

    Here's how to reproduce it:

    1. Create 1 track in Reaper for the main plugin (VST or VST3 is the same);
    2. Create 1 track for the Event Input plugin;
    3. Link everything to a VEP instance with some kontakt libraries loaded in.

    Here we are, if every "Record ARM" button is disabled then you will have this problem, if one of two tracks has this button enabled the everything will works fine.

    So in my template I obviously put off all of my arm buttons, this is why I had this problem.

    Uff...well, now is your turn VSL, I don't know if it is a bug or it is intentional but I think I shouldn't be forced to have all of my VEP main plugin tracks armed.

    Also I'd like to remember you that VST3 plugin is still unusable because of the slowness of loadin and viewing time. This is not only a problem of mine and I know (and hope) you still working on it.

    I'll keep you updated if I find something else. I hope now you could work faster to solve this issue.

  • Hi Daniele, 

    Thanks for your efforts. Just so that other forum readers know: We also get these reports via mail, and our developers are on it!


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Paul said:

    Hi Daniele, 

    Thanks for your efforts. Just so that other forum readers know: We also get these reports via mail, and our developers are on it!


    Yes yes, since a developer contacted me about the case I thinked it was right to keep him updated to help him find faster the cause, so I tried to keep updated both this thread for other people that are reading this and the email for developers only. I know maybe it is a little redundant but it is also useful.

    Thank you.