well it might be underhwhelming in terms of hitting the CPU hard, but I also have to say it was very smooth and glitch free audio on Cubase.. I think Logic tends to have problems choking on too many midi events, while CPU utilization is still quite low.
I just ran the GUI refresh test on LPX also.. I think the GUI updating is adding 10-20% of cpu utilization there as well when the VEP gui window is active. I really noticed this after I upgrade VIPro to get the articulation names, but I wasn't looking that hard before, its possible the GUI is always adding some CPU usage, which makes sense that it would, but I think 10-20% is far too much for that. If so we need option to disable those things where are nice to have but not really always neccsaary, like the articulation names or perhaps more places you're updating the CPU usage on each instance, etc.. don't know... just observations...