Been testing with Cubase 10 now. using exactly the same midi file and VEP frame as I was using to test with LogicPro.
Overall CPU usage on this machine is WAY higher with Cubase then with Logic. LIke Double. That being said, playback was flawless, not any dropped notes or noteOff, hanging notes, etc.. as is the case when using LPX and multiport macro.
Quite impressed with the playback under Cubase, but as I said, CPU usage is hitting 80% using the example ET Score from VST site, from LPX, the same score plays back and rarely goes over 40%. It could be that Logic is under utliizing the CPU in some way, which is why its getting dropped events. Not sure. Just an observation.
I am definitely noticing that since I updated the VIPro just now, CPU use of VEP is higher when the GUI is active. I am guessing this is related to to keeping the articulation names updated, but whatever it is, I could live without that if its going to be so expensive on the CPU.