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  • What a silly digression.

    There is such a thing as overtones - no?

    They are found in nature (on planet earth) - no?

    We make music by making use of the things in nature: harmonics, wood, metal, string - no?

    Music (the invention of musical instruments as well as musical invention) contains a process of discovery - no?

    Are these points true in some essential way? Or fundamentally unsound?

    Please don't write something about octaves or Hz or something else completely unrelated. This is the fourth time I've made this exact same point.

    Dave Connor

  • A little lesson on physics and music:

    Let's have a piano string giving 440 Hz. The first overtone is sounding because the two halves of the string are also vibrating. But because the string have some thickness, the node on the middle has not zero length and the vibrating halves are a little bit shorter than the 1/2 string. Because of that those halves vibrate on a little higher frequence than expected, lets say about 880.5 Hz or something. Q.E.D.

  • A very little lesson indeed.

    We would need a very long lesson to get you somewhere in the area of the intended topic.

    I take it your lessons have not brought you to the place of acknowledging the surface of planet Earth or even the surface of my remarks. So let me know if you ever wish to disscuss something a little more shallow so we can enjoy the success that belongs to the mature.

    Dave Connor

  • Anyway. These little diffrences in ALL overtones makes piano sound as it sounds and makes it almost impossible properly to synthesize piano sound. Sampling is different...

  • So what's your favorite color piano?

  • That is probably true that it is nearly impossible to synthesize a piano "properly." Herb pointed out long ago that the hardest instrument in all music to sample (I think that is what Herb said) is the piano. This shocked me at the time. Because I was thinking of it completely from the standpoint of performing. Which, when one compares the keyboard technique of MIDI to piano, is obviously infinitely more practical than application to a violin section, or a legato solo horn, etc. But the actual sound of the piano in its many aural variations is extremely complex in ways which do not fit MIDI, and I believe this is what Herb and metacomposer are speaking of.

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    @dpcon said:

    So what's your favorite color piano?

    My favourite colour piano?

    Black and White!


  • Ah, the brilliant Brit chimes with insightful wit.

    Liberace would not concur though I couldn't agree more.


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    @dpcon said:

    Ah, the brilliant Brit chimes with insightful wit.

    Liberace would not concur though I couldn't agree more.


    I just sent you a PM because I'm off the interent at the moment and borrowing my mother's Apple at her place. This is because I told BT they are a bunch of f**king wankers that should all be destroyed - so I will return soon hopefully with a new internet provider.

  • I did wonder why we'd not heard the eloquent, rapier wit for a while.
    You're not on your own Paul. I had an 18 month battle with BT and their large mistake they made that left me out of pocket and determined never to use them again. I can throughly understand the difficulty of restraint when describing these 'people'. (I use the term from a genetic definitive POV only)

    Nice to see your mum's an enlightened, intelligent, forward thinking human being, being a mac user!

    Regards to you, and best wishes for a speedy resolution in your internet journey!



  • A collection of sounds and the space between as to be pleasurable to one's ear!

    Regards to you all,


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    @hermitage59 said:

    Nice to see your mum's an enlightened, intelligent, forward thinking human being, being a mac user!

    Regards to you, and best wishes for a speedy resolution in your internet journey!



    Thanks Alex - back up and running again. The mother's Mac is a new model 2.0 iMac fully packed with 2 gigs of ram. I could not really recommend this particular model for massive compositional use, because it is single processor.

    But it's the best thing I've ever used for just normal internet/general use. Very quick, elegant piece of Americana machinery that's easy to use.

    What's this topic all about? What is music?

    Judging by the racket coming out of my monitors at the moment on a work in progress - I would say that music is generally just that - a bloody racket.

    [:P] [:D]

  • I think music is:

    any sound, sounds or combination of sounds that are made by someone and which give some form to, that part of ones creativity that needs an outlet through sound(s).

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    @weslldeckers said:

    I think music is:

    any sound, sounds or combination of sounds that are made by someone and which give some form to, that part of ones creativity that needs an outlet through sound(s).
    Not accepted. Music is created in a certain context and also listened in a certain context. If those don't match there may be a learning process or not. So what is "music" is subjective matter (to the listener).


  • This statement is not accepted. [6]

    It is too cryptic. You need to elucidate further.

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    @William said:

    This statement is not accepted. [6]

    It is too cryptic. You need to elucidate further.
    OK. What I justs tried to tell is: The definition of music can't be that something is music if someone just tells it is music.


  • I probably agree with that. Though you could certainly get arguments about it.

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    @lgrohn said:

    OK. What I justs tried to tell is: The definition of music can't be that something is music if someone just tells it is music.

    I agree but that's a pro-objective point of view. Your earlier statement was that it's a subjective perception.

    So you must elucidate further. [H]

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    There are both subjective and objective viewpoints. Definitions should be as objective as possible. Sometimes there may be convergence between those two because of learning.


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    @weslldeckers said:

    I think music is:

    any sound, sounds or combination of sounds that are made by someone and which give some form to, that part of ones creativity that needs an outlet through sound(s).
    Not accepted. Music is created in a certain context and also listened in a certain context. If those don't match there may be a learning process or not. So what is "music" is subjective matter (to the listener).


    If that's the case... there just can't be a valid definition of what music is.

    I think my suggestion describes that sounds are music as soon as the maker of those sounds, makes them out of creative neccesaty(sp?). In other words: the urge to make the sounds, is enough to qualify the sounds as music, altough it could be possible that no one, including the maker, would classify them as music.