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  • using VE Pro 6 with Sibelius

    Hi Guys.

    I'm trying to set up Sibelius with VE Pro and for the life of me i cant seem to get my head around what i need to do!

    i've had no issue at all with the free version, but the pro version i just cant seem to get to work.

    Currently, i only have one computer (a mid 2017 imac I7 running the latest mohave with 32gb ram) but in the comming months plan to get a slave to connect up.

    Can i use VE Pro on just 1 computer, and if so...could someone help with tips with the set up as i know i'm doing something stupid!

    As a side note, i cant use it in stand alone mode either....i can load VI Pro instruments in, but its not responding to the input of my midi keyboard either!!

    If anyone could point me in the right direction id be most greatful indeed



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    Hi Paul,

    Let me first help you with that:

    @Another User said:

    I'm trying to set up Sibelius with VE Pro and for the life of me i cant seem to get my head around what i need to do!

    i've had no issue at all with the free version, but the pro version i just cant seem to get to work.

    Can i use VE Pro on just 1 computer, and if so...could someone help with tips with the set up as i know i'm doing something stupid!

    VEPro does work just fine with one computer. Make sure to start the VEPro Server. After that add VEPro in the playback settings of Sibelius, click on show plugin. A popup will appear of VEP: Click on connect and connect to the VEPro instance you want (or create a new one). Setup inside of VEPro is the same as in VE.
    Save your playback configuration as usual in Sibelius.

    Best, Ben

    Ben@VSL | IT & Product Specialist
  • Hi Ben

    Thanks so much for your help...i got confused with pro server and ve pro and would have been lost without your help

    thanks mate




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