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  • RoomPacks for MIR do not Install. Help!

    The demo versions of RoomPacks R01 and R03 download yet do not Install immediately after for lack of eLicense licensure, then, after licensing to my Licenses with eLicenser, the Vienna Download Manager merely scans the downloaded folders... after deleting the folders from my downloads for Vienna Download Manager re-downloading after licensure, the Vienna Download Manager does not download at all. Do the enhance reverb. programs of the venues in MIR replace the RoomPacks... the RoomPacks disabled? Please reply as soon as possible! I look forward to buying Vienna Instruments Pro with MIR Reverb. programs with RoomPacks as soon as possible. MIR 24 and MIRacle demos, subtle, yet very, very... good: very true audio image reproduction of the Venues for many, many of THE Acoustic/Ambient sounds: complements the Vienna Symphonic Library instruments in Vienna Instruments Pro for all of the Acoustic AND Ambient sounds of VSL Vienna Instruments Player musical instruments, and VSL Choirs! I bought VI Pro a long time ago, after this original post!

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    @Another User said:

    The demo versions of RoomPacks R01 and R03 download yet do not Install immediately after for lack of eLicense licensure, then, after licensing to my Licenses with eLicenser, the Vienna Download Manager merely scans the downloaded folders... after deleting the folders from my downloads for Vienna Download Manager re-downloading after licensure, the Vienna Download Manager does not download at all. Do the enhance reverb. programs of the venues in MIR replace the RoomPacks... the RoomPacks disabled? Please reply as soon as possible! 


    It's hard to tell from the distance what goes wrong here. Please get in contact with, the VSL support team will guide you through the process (after the weekend, I guess 😊 ...).

    Thanks for your patience!

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Hi Ian,

    the forum's message utility tells me that you have edited your posting from last year. I can't say for sure whether you're asking for help again or if this happend by accident, though.

    Please let me know!

    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • I bought the VSL Vienna Instruments Pro, and installed the RoomPacks with VSL support! VSL always improves with updates, technical support! I started my VSL purchase for minimal CPU usage with SE Percussion & More, Strings, Brass, Woodwinds, Soprano Choir... for THE full Orchestra and Choir... finally succeeded a few days ago, the VSL Free Big Bang Orchestra finally downloaded, then I bought the VSL BBO Andromeda the next day... VSL system requirements advise use of SSD, not HDD... my new HP laptop 8GB, 5400 rpm 1T HD made me ask if VSL BBO Andromeda would function with an HD drive... the reply is "Yes.", with advice to adjust the preferences for latency... there are still occasional split-second delays of no sound during performance if you are not careful about your performances with CPU usage... your tempi and-/or polyphony, yet you can perform with highest style of performance articulations of notes, chords, arpreggios... glissandi... and dynamic phrasings at very fast tempi... and include contrapuntal Bass and Sub-Bass harmonizations of notes, arpeggios, chords... The VSL BBO Andromeda short articulations with Flute with my VSL Soprano Choir and SE Percussion & More Gockenspiel and Tubular Bells... THE classic full Orchestra and Choir sound for melodies, note sequences, interval progressions, new "classical" music composition chord progressions... with arpeggiated Chords, and Chord arpeggios in classic-/"Classical-/contemporary Formal, Traditional, Folk... rhythms and new variations of the Ancient-to-Modern Poetry-/Dances-/Marches-/Processions... Songs... with full harmozinations with notes, intervals, chords.... I look forward to new and improved VSL software, the Starter Editions still offer realistic multisamples as multisamples of the single-note and single note-length articulations combine and separate as during performance of soloists... full Orchestra and Choir sections, too!

  • Hi Ian,

    thanks for your reply. I take this as a "Yes, I'm up and running!", then. :-)

    All the best,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • I knew VSL would be highest quality, yet I had difficulty for over the first six months with settings to produce clearest sound of VSL libraries. I recently figured out the best settings in my Digital Audio Workstation for my VSL libraries... VSL allows better than demo quality of sound of the VSL libraries... and better than demo-quality productions! In recent days, during our writings to- and from each the other, I recorded my live performance of a short track with my VSL Soprano Choir with another professional VSTi for musical accompaniment. The VSL Soprano Choir aah sustain articulation is a full range of choir vocalization... vocalisation... variations of the aah articulation: as you change your dynamic-rhythmic articulations during your Composition Performance with a music keyboard midi controller, you can control the most beautiful articulation variations!