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  • VEP 7 under 10.9.5

    Hi all, i have a PT 10 HD Accel running under 10.9.5 and of course i cannot upgrade, i already have VEP 5, question is, can VEP7 runder under Mavericks? thx in advance :)

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    @distantmemoriess said:

    Hi all, i have a PT 10 HD Accel running under 10.9.5 and of course i cannot upgrade, i already have VEP 5, question is, can VEP7 runder under Mavericks? thx in advance 😊

    Probably not as the VEPro 7 requirements want OSX 10.10.5 as the minimum which as you know won't run PT10 right.

  • I run VEPro 6 on Mac OS 10.9.5 with Pro Tools HD 10.3.10. No issues really. Is there a way to “demo” VEPro 7 without forfeiting the VEPro 6 license? I have a cloned SSD drive I could try the demo on. Just don’t want to loose the older license.

  • Hi Adiaz, 

    VE PRO 7 comes with a separate license, no troubles there. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Another User said:

    Hi Adiaz, 

    VE PRO 7 comes with a separate license, no troubles there. 


    Do understand though that installing VEPro 7 will overwrite the VEPro 6 install. Also understand that the lowest OSX VEPro 7 will work with according to the product requirements is OSX 10.10.5. Further VEPro 7 dropped support for 32 bit operation on Macs; Windows doesn't have that problem. The license itself resides on one's Vienna/Steinberg dongle. Given all that you're stuck with (not that that is bad) with VEPro 6.

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    @Another User said:

    Hi Adiaz, 

    VE PRO 7 comes with a separate license, no troubles there. 


    Do understand though that installing VEPro 7 will overwrite the VEPro 6 install.


    True, but to make it clear, as long as you dont save over VEPro 6 projects in VEPro 7, you can always get back to VEP 6 by using the Ve Pro uninstaller and re-installing VEP6. I've done this multiple times during the beta period on both PC and Mac without issue. Just download the VEP6 installer from your user account while downloading VEP7 Demo so you have it ready, just incase. 

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    @Another User said:

    Hi Adiaz, 

    VE PRO 7 comes with a separate license, no troubles there. 


    Do understand though that installing VEPro 7 will overwrite the VEPro 6 install.


    True, but to make it clear, as long as you dont save over VEPro 6 projects in VEPro 7, you can always get back to VEP 6 by using the Ve Pro uninstaller and re-installing VEP6. I've done this multiple times during the beta period on both PC and Mac without issue. Just download the VEP6 installer from your user account while downloading VEP7 Demo so you have it ready, just incase. 

    True but what I was trying to get across that the poster might not be familiar with as that two different versions of VEPro cannot exist on the same boot partition at least in OSX. This is just one of those gotchas that would be good to have in a FAQ for the new version. Another is the loss of 32 bit functionality which atm isn't mentioned anywheres on the product page although that may change acording to a support email I got. Tis loss right now is only mentioned in the manual for version 7.

  • But remember I would be testing on a separate clone drive.

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    @Adiaz said:

    But remember I would be testing on a separate clone drive.
    I understand that but unless that clone is running OSX 10.10.5 or later AND you're running PT11+ you're not going to be able to run VEPro 7. Like I said they dropped 32 bit support in OSX so even though your OSX 10.9.5 is 64 bit your PT version is only 32 bit and the latter is what counts in addition to OSX 10.10.5 being the earliest OSX supported by VEPro 7. In short - you're screwed UNLESS you make some major upgrades in both OSX and PT. Just trying to save you some heartburn.