Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • Rest assured that you‘ll get no answer here (= communication re-invented)

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    @musicman691 said:

    You say your loading time for that template is 35 to 40 minutes - please tell us you're not loading from a spinner drive but an ssd. Or multiple ssd's. If you're on a Mac Pro cheesegrater putting those ssd's in a pcie card adapter will double the loading speed from if they're in the drive bays.

    Oh yes multiple ssds of course, and on a PC with double xeon.... Just lots of instruments i guess, and it loads up into about 240gb of ram . I know a couple of fellow composers who have the same "problem", so its normal for a template that size

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    @musicman691 said:

    You say your loading time for that template is 35 to 40 minutes - please tell us you're not loading from a spinner drive but an ssd. Or multiple ssd's. If you're on a Mac Pro cheesegrater putting those ssd's in a pcie card adapter will double the loading speed from if they're in the drive bays.

    Oh yes multiple ssds of course, and on a PC with double xeon.... Just lots of instruments i guess, and it loads up into about 240gb of ram . I know a couple of fellow composers who have the same "problem", so its normal for a template that size

    Where are those ssd's - inside the computer or outside? If outside how are they connected? You do have Kontakt Memory Server disabled right? With that amount of memory (never heard of a machine having that much ram) it sounds like you're having everything load into ram instead of streaming from the ssd's. If so here's a hint - let things stream.

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    @musicman691 said:

    You say your loading time for that template is 35 to 40 minutes - please tell us you're not loading from a spinner drive but an ssd. Or multiple ssd's. If you're on a Mac Pro cheesegrater putting those ssd's in a pcie card adapter will double the loading speed from if they're in the drive bays.

    Oh yes multiple ssds of course, and on a PC with double xeon.... Just lots of instruments i guess, and it loads up into about 240gb of ram . I know a couple of fellow composers who have the same "problem", so its normal for a template that size


    Huge template then.  How many instruments?  If you have thousands, then it is what it is.  This is another area where if VEP update made a substantial improvement for project load times, through parallelism or would be instant buy for me. 

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    Hello everybody!

    Finally some news on the features of VE Pro 7!

    Beta-testing is going well, and we’re doing our best to make this version the most stable and comfortable .0 version we have every released. It’s also looking good for macOS 10.10 support.

    Final steps in development will take some more time, and I’d like to thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.

    Also, we’re hoping for a little miracle on the AU3 side of things. We’re quite close to making this a GREAT feature for all Logic users out there, and even if a new version of Logic is probably not released when VE Pro 7 is ready, we’re hoping for some crucial fixes that will make this feature work!

    All the best from a busy busy busy Vienna,

    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Paul said:

    Hello everybody!

    Finally some news on the features of VE Pro 7!

    Beta-testing is going well, and we’re doing our best to make this version the most stable and comfortable .0 version we have every released. It’s also looking good for macOS 10.10 support. 

    Final steps in development will take some more time, and I’d like to thank you in advance for your patience and understanding. 

    Also, we’re hoping for a little miracle on the AU3 side of things. We’re quite close to making this a GREAT feature for all Logic users out there, and even if a new version of Logic is probably not released when VE Pro 7 is ready, we’re hoping for some crucial fixes that will make this feature work! 

    All the best from a busy busy busy Vienna, 

    Let me be the first to say a big THANK YOU for this announcement. It's what a lot of us have been looking and asking for. And it's what's making me pull the trigger on getting the upgrade - especially the compatibility with OSX 10.10! While my major work is done in OSX 10.12.6 I still keep a boot partition with OSX 10.10.5 because I have some 32 bit plugins that for whatever reason don't play well in a 32 bit server running in OSX 10.12.6. It's not a big enough issue to raise a support ticket with (FYI the major one is NI's B4II Hammond organ vi).

    You have made me a very happy person this dreary day here.

  • Great looking features, thank you Paul.  I'd really still like a Wake On Midi feature for disabled instruments / folders  instances, but there's easily enough here for me to upgrade.

  • Got a question:

    I did the pre-order thing and am downloading the Synchron library now. Being in the USA and using US currency what date will be used to calculate the exchange rate from euros to US dollars? Right now it's $85 and change. Is the exchange rate figured on the date I puchase or what? Paid through Paypal if that makes any difference.

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    Hi musicman,

    The exchange rate is the one used on the day of purchase. If you used PayPal, you might already see it in your PayPal account. You can also see a 'Show US-$ Info' on the bottom left of the VE Pro 7 product page.
    Great to see happy first responses of details on the VE Pro 7 features!


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    @Paul said:

    Hello everybody!

    Finally some news on the features of VE Pro 7!

    All the best from a busy busy busy Vienna, 

    Great news, really appreciated set of features and nice presentation (Hopefully stopping bad moods 😊 and... looking forward to final release!

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    @teststefann said:

    Hi musicman,

    The exchange rate is the one used on the day of purchase. If you used PayPal, you might already see it in your PayPal account. You can also see a 'Show US-$ Info' on the bottom left of the VE Pro 7 product page.
    Great to see happy first responses of details on the VE Pro 7 features!


    Thanks for the clarification. Wasn't sure if the date froze on purchase or when Paypal posted it to my card - those have turned out NOT to be the same date in some cases.

    On other notes it took about 48 minutes to download the whole library which isn't too bad as I had other things to keep me occupied. Surprised at how decent the Synchron freebie is. Now to just wrap my head around the Synchron player.

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    @Paul said:

    Also, we’re hoping for a little miracle on the AU3 side of things. We’re quite close to making this a GREAT feature for all Logic users out there, and even if a new version of Logic is probably not released when VE Pro 7 is ready, we’re hoping for some crucial fixes that will make this feature work! 

    This is very encouraging.  in your talks with Apple, please make sure they do not overlook that the Scripter plugin will need to be updated to be aware about "port".  Many orchestrators are relying on scripter for articulation management above and beyond the built in articulation set features of LogicPro.  Scripter will need to become port-aware, just like tracks, the enviornment and everything else in order to fully support a multiport AU3 plugin.  I really hope you guys will be able to make all that happen.  But I also realize this depends a lot on what Apple decides to do to LogicPro in order to support multiple ports per instrument channel.

    Good job getting the product info out to everyone...

  • also.  Please do NOT eliminate the existing multiport macro functionality until AU3 multiport operation is actually fully operational in LogicPro

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    @Dewdman42 said:

    This is very encouraging.  in your talks with Apple, please make sure they do not overlook that the Scripter plugin will need to be updated to be aware about "port".

    The best thing, when AU3 support is released, is to get rid of the Scripter plug-in  and the Multi Port Macro ;

    I have upgrade to V7 😉

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    @Dewdman42 said:

    This is very encouraging. in your talks with Apple, please make sure they do not overlook thatthe Scripter plugin will need to be updated to be aware about "port".
    The best thing, when AU3 support is released, is to get rid of the Scripter plug-in and the Multi Port Macro ; I have upgrade to V7 😉 Au3 will not eliminate the need for scripter! Scripter is used for articulation management by many people. That has nothing to do with the multiport macro or AU3. But the thing is scripter will need to become port-aware in order to function with a multi port AU3 plugin. Scripter can already work with the existing multiport macro because port is specified via CC99 and scripter can detect and send that. When AU3 comes, there will be internal data to track port inside the event object itself so unless that is exposed in scripter, then it will not be possible to have multi port articulation management scripter solutions any longer. Also, as vsl hinted already; they are working with Apple on this and “crossing their fingers” which is a nice way of saying that LPX has to be improved in order to support AU3 multiport configurarion. An AU3 plugin from vsl will be meaningless until LPX is updated in all necessary ways to support that. I agree we can all move past the multi port macro when that day comes but a lot depends on what Apple will do to LPX in order to support it, including changes to the environment, scripter, track headers, and probably other places as well and internally to support channelizing tracks on both ports and channels. Until such time the multiport macro still works. If vsl removes multiport cc99 support from vep7 I will not buy it

  • It is better to have the AU3 and Logic Expression Maps as it is hardcoded in Logic

    It look like Scripter is interpreted, so will run more slowly

    You can use Babylon Waves to handle your Logic Expression Maps

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    @Cyril Blanc said:

    It is better to have the AU3 and Logic Expression Maps as it is hardcoded in Logic It look like Scripter is interpreted, so will run more slowly You can use Babylon Waves to handle your Logic Expression Maps
    For many people, myself included, logicpro’s articualtion sets, (there are no expression maps in Logic Pro) are not adequate for certain situations, and scripting is necessary. In some cases the Apple articulation set output section is buggy as well. There are several third party solutions that work around those shortcomings with scripter. Those solutions will not be able to take advantage of AU3 multiport unless scripter is updated to be port aware. Babylonwaves does not provide solutions to these challenges they have just worked out a common set of input key switches to use with all libraries and setup the articulation sets for you but they are still limited by the limitations of logic pro’s articulation set feature set and bugs. And in some ways may be limited by trying to have one common input keyswitch paradigm which is a nice idea for simple scenarios but entirely inadequate for more complex situations. It’s a lowest common denominator in that sense. It doesn’t always facilitate all of the capabilities of any given library and nor does logicpro’s articulation set feature. I agree if your needs are simple then stick with simple solution such as that but if you have more advanced needs then scripter is often needed. It will be crucial for many people that vep plugin supports port awareness in scripter. For example, legato latency correction is a hot topic lately with some attempts to create better articulation management using scripter. There are other things too and plenty of room for future improvement to articulation management, but if scripter is not made port aware then those advanced scenarios will be blocked from being able to use AU3 multiport. For those of you with simple needs then I agree try to avoid scripter of course. By the way scripter does not in itself make anything run slowly it uses very little resources when scripted properly.

  • Simple question I'm not sure if it got asked yet: when will we know VEPro 7 is released? Email notification from Vienna? I ask because if it's the latter sometimes emails from VSL end up in my isp's Spam folder.

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    @musicman691 said:

    Simple question I'm not sure if it got asked yet: when will we know VEPro 7 is released? Email notification from Vienna? I ask because if it's the latter sometimes emails from VSL end up in my isp's Spam folder.

    The product note says the cusotmers owning the license will receive personal notification via email, and the announcement will be into the newsletter (to the mailing list of customers enabling newsletter in the account preferences). When a newsletter is delivered, it is also available in the "News" section of the website.

    It's hard it won't be noticed in my opinion. 😊

    P.S. One time by the way, I found by chance a product available in my "MyVSL" page just before announcement, because of course they upload it first, and then they distribute the notice.

  • I am curious what this means for Vienna Suite. I mean, are we going to see a massive price drop on it to keep it in line with what Ensemble Pro costs? It appears that Vienna Suite and Vienna Suite Pro are going to be the same as what is coming with Ensemble Pro now...