Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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190,120 users have contributed to 42,706 threads and 256,986 posts.

In the past 24 hours, we have 1 new thread(s), 19 new post(s) and 42 new user(s).

  • Dear Paul,

    I have the utmostrespect for you! I read this forum almost daily and after reading most of the things people have written in the last year (ranting, fighting and trolling), I'm surprised to see you're still moderating and answering these posts; but more importantly you keep answering on serious questions and giving advices how to use them better. I have learned so much by reading this forum (and often decided to buy more of VSL's products ;)

    In short, what I want to say is: Thank you, Paul!
    Please keep up the good work and don't be discouraged by exhausting posts / topics.

    Best, Ben

    Ben@VSL | IT & Product Specialist
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    @David Molina said:

    Wow, I would really hate to have you all as customers. Just be patient and wait for them to reveal all the details. Once they reveal everything and you still don't like it, send them an email. Amazing.
    😄 What has been really revealed about SYstrings when preordered it? Nothing else than a short vague demo which didn't show anything plus enthusiastic and eulogistic words. Everyone knows what SYstrings revealed when we got them. Starting from this pathetic episode, we were expecting for more fair and transparent practises then. Let's wait for 'The Magnificent Seven' then, we'll see if it keeps its 'magnificent' promises. Fooled once, shame on you. Fooled twice, shame on me.

  • Edit ... It will be an incredible upgrade ... I heard! (Hopefully I have not been fooled)

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    @afterlight said:

    I think the problem many professional users who have numerous licenses have is simply that the upgrade price of 400+ euros (for me) for a completely unannounced feature set is...silly. Really silly.

    Can someone explain the pricing? In 2016 I paid â‚¬170.00 to upgrade 6 licenses to VE Pro 6. Now, I just purchased the VE Pro 7 upgrade for â‚¬70.00 and I get... 1 license? It's going to be another â‚¬225.00 (45 * 5) to upgrade the remaining 5 licenses. That's â‚¬295.00 total - almost double the last round of upgrade pricing. I wish this was better explained somewhere - it wasn't clear in the email, or the website.

  • Somebody told me, that it is a competitor to Dorico now ... means it contains a Notation Program ... and the multi-channel possibilities have heavily expanded. (That would also explain why the PlugIns are included.) If this is true ... the Price is great!

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    @LAJ said:

    Somebody told me, that it is a competitor to Dorico now ... means it contains a Notation Program ... and the multi-channel possibilities have heavily expanded. (That would also explain why the PlugIns are included.) If this is true ... the Price is great!
    If the multichannel thing includes 7.1 or good Atmos (7.1.2-6) support I’ll be very happy to pay the upgrade price. Just 5.1 some would be obsolete fast. Stability and efficiency is what I’m after. If it’s just cosmetic with some inbuilt plugins, then...a big meh. I hope the score/Dorico thing isn’t true. It took Dan Spreadbury and team years to make a good engraving program and he’s the best at it there is. A mediocre score editor would be a disastrous idea.

  • Had never heard of Dorico until now, just Finale & Sibelius. Looks impressive but I've seen several pieces of s/w that looked impressive until I tried them. Looking at the prices of Dorico I doubt it would be the Professional version but Elements.

    I wonder if the 'included new plugins' are Vienna Suite (regular not Pro version)?

  • For users using multiple licenses, VEP7 has become a very expensive item.
    It's a price that hesitates to update.
    I hope that understanding of pricing is wrong.

  • I must say i am disappointed generally with how unclear whole installation

    parts, processes and instances you have made.

    When i installed Ensemble pro 6, instance in logic which actually activates EP6 is Vienna Ensemble, and 

    Vienna Ensemble pro triggers server options. Why?

    Other thing that is unclear in you manual is how to actually load data into Synchron player.

    Why is there no straightforward  explanation on HOW TO ADD LIBRARIES INTO PLAYER?

    You must understand we (users) are not fanboys of any particular company, but pick from each what we like.

    So therefore i do not plan to spend two hours on trying to  figure out how to even start, cause in that period of time i can open Spitfire or Orchestra Tools and start working i Kontakt immediatelly.

    You should really consider making things more simple, cause now you have bunch on players, versions,s and ensemble mixer versions.

    You were once a brillianrt company with all things straightforward, that is slowly becoming pretty messy.

    Last but not least, getting only one license is beyond reason. You should really check on Spectrasonics, and their user friendly policy, which you clearly do not provide.



    badstring studio LTD

  • Well they have announced the prize! That's a detail right?

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    Hi everybody, 

    Highly interesting speculations there, LAJ... ðŸ˜Š
    I can respond to this one quite clearly Vienna Ensemble PRO will not be a notation program. 

    Regarding multiple licenses: I'm sure you understand that we can't answer individual quantity discount requests in a public forum. With previous upgrades, different combinations of license amounts, there are simply many parameters to consider.

    @kristijan999: Sorry to see you so upset, especially after you hesitated to contact us via with the first troubles... and after so many successful support interactions in the past. I hope you will change your mind when you see what VE Pro 7 can actually do for you. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Paul said:

    Hi everybody, 

    Highly interesting speculations there, LAJ... ðŸ˜Š
    I can respond to this one quite clearly Vienna Ensemble PRO will not be a notation program. 

    Regarding multiple licenses: I'm sure you understand that we can't answer individual quantity discount requests in a public forum. With previous upgrades, different combinations of license amounts, there are simply many parameters to consider.

    @kristijan999: Sorry to see you so upset, especially after you hesitated to contact us via with the first troubles... and after so many successful support interactions in the past. I hope you will change your mind when you see what VE Pro 7 can actually do for you. 



    So, it is impossible to go back to previous policy of three licenses Paul?

    I know we cannot dictate your business choices, but it seems that for some people upgrading VEP now cost double than it did?

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    @Paul said:

    Hi everybody, Highly interesting speculations there, LAJ...I can respond to this one quite clearly Vienna Ensemble PRO will not be a notation program. Best,Paul
    Hard to believe, but I believe you 😊 But is there a „big thing“? (Except Plug ins &EO 2) And what about the future of Vienna Suite Pro? Is there still a selling point as „Single-Product“ for the Vienna Suite Pro after the release of Ensemble Pro 7 or will it be a package-solution VE Pro with all PlugIns included?

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    Hi LAJ, 

    The german word "Vorfreude" captures what we feel here in Vienna pretty well: I'd translate it with "pleasant anticipation".

    More features will be announced as soon as I am 100% sure that everything they work as they should, in all possible environments. Will definitely keep you in the loop!

    BTW: We just added our Giant Taiko drum as a BONUS and THANK YOU for all early adopters ðŸ˜Š
    Find the download file here


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi Paul, I know this Taiko already very well. And it is a „big thing“ just for itself! :D ... Nice gesture to the people! Okay, I jump out of speculation-mode and enjoy a very sunny WE (here in Germany). Enjoy your WE too, Paul. (Put the computer off! :) Best, Lars

  • Thank you so much for Giant Taiko drum!


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    @Paul said:

    Hi LAJ, 

    The german word "Vorfreude" captures what we feel here in Vienna pretty well: I'd translate it with "pleasant anticipation".

    More features will be announced as soon as I am 100% sure that everything they work as they should, in all possible environments. Will definitely keep you in the loop!

    BTW: We just added our Giant Taiko drum as a BONUS and THANK YOU for all early adopters ðŸ˜Š
    Find the download file here


    What you're not keeping us in the loop on is how long does the intro price last? I'm all for saving the release until everything works as it should as I'm sure there are a number of us who have suffered through being unwitting paying beta testers for music software. We're being asked to put down a chunk of money for what's only vague bits of info. Other developers will at least tell some of what's coming in the new s/w and we don't even have that.

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    @Paul said:

    Hi everybody, 

    Highly interesting speculations there, LAJ... ðŸ˜Š
    I can respond to this one quite clearly Vienna Ensemble PRO will not be a notation program. 

    Regarding multiple licenses: I'm sure you understand that we can't answer individual quantity discount requests in a public forum. With previous upgrades, different combinations of license amounts, there are simply many parameters to consider.

    @kristijan999: Sorry to see you so upset, especially after you hesitated to contact us via with the first troubles... and after so many successful support interactions in the past. I hope you will change your mind when you see what VE Pro 7 can actually do for you. 


    We're not so much asking for answers to individual license quantities going from VEPro 6 to 7 but are asking if say people with the stock 3 licenses we get in VEPro 6 wil be grandfathered over to version 7?

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    @Paul said:

    Hi everybody, Highly interesting speculations there, LAJ...I can respond to this one quite clearly Vienna Ensemble PRO will not be a notation program. Regarding multiple licenses:I'm sure you understand that we can't answer individual quantity discount requests in a public forum. With previous upgrades, different combinations of license amounts, there are simply many parameters to consider. @kristijan999: Sorry to see you so upset, especially after you hesitated to contact us via with the first troubles... and after so many successful support interactions in the past. I hope you will change your mind when you see what VE Pro 7 can actually do for you. Best,Paul
    We're not so much asking for answers to individual license quantities going from VEPro 6 to 7 but are asking if say people with the stock 3 licenses we get in VEPro 6 wil be grandfathered over to version 7? I would like to know that. But I don’t have much hope about it. The way I read it is that we will have to purchase those licenses

  • Ok, Im going to just step in here and say, even tho I have zero authority, you folks need to take a chill pill. For the love of God, Ive never seen such a whiny group of old farts. Jesus, and I thought I was a grumpy SOB.

    The pricing is listed at 75 euros for the first upgrade and 45 for each subsequent upgrade. To upgrade all three licenses, that is, lets see, Im not very good at math, even as a physics major, but lets take a shot at this...

    75 + 45 + 45 = 165 Euros

    Now, that seems like alot, until you consider a couple of things. First, you KEEP your 3 existing licenses for VEP 6 when you upgrade. This means, you are really ADDING another VEP license to your key, the new version to be specific.

    I dont know about the rest of you, but Ive paid alot of money for my software upgrades, often times, not worth the price. Cubase Pro runs me $150 yearly, with a base price of $600, and thats just for one license.

    Second, for many users, we dont use the server portion of VEP. Vienna in my opinion, incorrectly sold VEP in a 3 pack bundle in the first place, it should have been sold as a single license, giving users like myself the option to buy VEP for 100 Euros or so rather than the 285 it currently is. I guarantee, it would have sold better if it had, because honestly, at 285 Euros, it flat out is not worth the price if you only need one license. Vienna is fixing this with this upgrade.

    For those bitching about epic orchestra, I find this absolutely fascinating. How many bought VEP 6 specifically for the first epic orchestra? I know it was one of the three reasons I made that purchase, was so that I had a light weight library for sketching. It is the reason I purchased Smart Orchestra as well, its a nice light library for sketching. Im looking at Epic Orchestra 2 and I just made this purchase specifically because of Epic Orchestra 2, because, it has more than Smart Orchestra, but still remains light enough for some sketching.

    I dont have any Synchron libraries, to be fair, and I only have licenses for MIRx complete, Instruments Pro, Ensemble 6 & now 7, Smart Spheres, and Special Edition complete, just to give you an idea of where Im coming from. However, I do have some significantly heavier libraries, the entire East West platinum sound library for example, and it is a complete bear to use for sketching, simply because loading a brass section is an easy 45 second load on a SATA SSD. Cinesamples is not much better, and my spitfire Albion collection is probably on par with cinesamples. Vienna is my go to for sketching, and if it werent so expensive for their complete libraries, it would be my go to for a final project.

    As a user of the Special Edition libraries, this pricing structure also makes sense from the sense that, it appears Synchron is the direction Vienna is going, and my guess is, the VI collections will be phased out. That doesnt make me exactly thrilled, to be honest. However, it does give me an opportunity to play with the Synchron stuff at a frankly unparalled price point. No other company I know of is offering an orchestra in a box for less than $100 Euros, and Vienna now is, and you are getting Ensemble Pro on top of that. Or, you can look at it the other way around, you are getting Ensemble Pro with some great sounding libraries perfect for sketching, with more flexibility than other lightweight libraries.

    Is it diengenuous for Vienna to suggest they are "giving away" Epic Orchestra 2 with the purchase of VEP 7? Yea, a little bit. I mean, shoot, they could just charge 45 Euros for each upgrade license including the first license. That might have been a better strategy. Provide an option, 45 Euros for each VEP upgrade, including the first license, or, 75 Euros for the first license and we will bundle epic orchestra.

    So yea, I guess for ya'll that have spent thousands of dollars on Vienna sounds can bitch about the additional 30 Euros that Vienna is charging because they are forcing the epic orchestra to be bundled in to the first VEP upgrade, or, you can take your head out of the sand and realize that they are restructuring how VEP is sold to make it more pallatable for people who dont need 3 freaking licenses of VEP and have made a decision to basically charge 30 more Euros so that people who have never used Vienna before can have a decent library to understand what they are getting.

    Lets also not forget, Synchron, which is as feature complete as instruments pro, cost nothing, and in many ways, is even more feature rich than instruments pro. Lets also not forget, Synchron is brining many of the FX capabilities that Vienna suite provides, at no additional charge, other than the cost of buying a library.

    In many ways, Vienna is moving forward and trying to come up with more attractive pricing because, Vienna is just not attractive to new users. Its pricing is unjustifiably expensive and has no real affordable ways to test drive its products.

    You can debate that last paragraph, until you start to look at the market right now. To have a decent library to work with, Vienna's only option was the Special Edition library at over 1700 Euros. Look to East West, you have a monthly payment option of $25. Spitfire offers their Albion 1 collection for $300. Heck, even 8dio has their orchestral starter pack for $600. I for one am glad to see Vienna providing some options for people who dont have thousands of Euros to spend, an alternative option.

    God bless you Paul, the rest of you, either buy the upgrade, dont buy the upgrade, or wait and see, and feel free to ask questions. However, lets knock it off on the whining. No one is forcing you to buy it. If you dont need or want EO2, wait and see what VEP7 brings. If EO2 does interest you, 75 Euros is a great price for EO2 alone, putting aside youll get a license for VEP7.