Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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    @Another User said:

    Honestly, I wouldn’t know where to start, there’s so many bets and assumptions (and statements that even contradict Paul) , that I will leave you be and wait for an official word about my concerns.

    Dear VSL, there is a lot of people concerned about your policies, here, in other forums, in the real world, and you are letting Littleweirdo to “explain” them to us.
    I sincerely hope you are thinking hard about this situation.

    Start sarcasm:

    It certainly is interesting, its only me that is making bets and assumptions, none of you have done that, no, of course not.

    Of course, there has been zero hyperbole on this subject since the announcement, no one blew this out of proportion, of course not.

    End sarcasm:

    My explanations have been on this issue, wait and see. It isnt me who has made any assumptions, except maybe that VEP6 can be installed alongside VEP7 (note, I didnt say, will work together).

    Im calling people out for making assumptions on things they know nothing about, being shitty about it, and throwing out personal insults. While I only quoted two shitty comments directed at me, there are a plethora of them littered throughout this thread, and at least two directed at Paul. This is unacceptable.

    We are all adults here, act like it. If you dont have anything nice to say, dont say it at all.

    "Don't be a dick" - Whil Wheaton

    Why don't you try following your own words dude. And we should call YOU out for making assumptions on something you know nothing about. But there's no use in repeating words already written. You keep making excuses and refuse to believe VEPro 7 is a downgrade from VEPro 6 at least license-wise. This license business should have NEVER happened.

  • Hi Paul,

    can you answer me this question please:

    Will a project/metaframe made with VEP6 be able be opened in/with VEP7?

    From what you told us earlier I understand that there will be no option to connect VEP6 server with the VEP7 instance wich I totally get but what is not clear to me is if the projects made with 6 will open in 7. I am pretty sure you know that much already since this is one of the first workflows you would test with the new VEP7.

    I am simply worried that if the answer is "No" I will have to redo all my templates that I spent on weeks already. I hope the answer to my simple question is "Yes" and we will enjoy the 7 very soon!



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    @littlewierdo said:

    It isnt much of a stretch. Go to MyVSL download archive and download Ensemble 5.4 and Ensemble 4 and install them. They should be installed to completely different directories. VEP4, VEP5, and VEP6 all work just fine if installed on the same machine. No, they cant communicate with instances that are a different version number, but they can be installed on the same machine and all run independently of each other. It isnt much of a stretch to imagine that VEP7 will work the same as every previous release of VEP has worked, and more importantly, how nearly all software works. Very few pieces of software prevent you from having multiple versions installed side by side and I doubt VEP7 will be any different.

    Maybe you're working with a Mac and it works in a different way. Or maybe you're in the secrets of God...

    Here on the earth, here is how it works (PC):
    - with no VEP installed, any installation process (5 or 6) will ask you for an installation folder.
    - as soon as VEP is already installed, whatever the version, it won't ask you for any folder anymore. Clicking on 'Install' immediately causes current version straight away uninstallation. Period.

    Consequently, there's no way to have different VEP versions to coexist like Cubase does i.e., unlike what you're infinitely stating.

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    @littlewierdo said:

    Where does it say that if you upgrade one VEP7 license that suddenly VEP6 will not work?

    Where did it say that if you upgraded one VEP6 license that suddenly VEP5 would not work? Nowhere. And following, can you have VEP5 working when VEP6 installed?

    Where did it say that when preordering (or ordering) and using SYstrings before SYplayer release would imply keeping the bank stored twice on your hard drive? Nowhere.

    It isnt much of a stretch. Go to MyVSL download archive and download Ensemble 5.4 and Ensemble 4 and install them. They should be installed to completely different directories. VEP4, VEP5, and VEP6 all work just fine if installed on the same machine. No, they cant communicate with instances that are a different version number, but they can be installed on the same machine and all run independently of each other. It isnt much of a stretch to imagine that VEP7 will work the same as every previous release of VEP has worked, and more importantly, how nearly all software works. Very few pieces of software prevent you from having multiple versions installed side by side and I doubt VEP7 will be any different.

    There is no point in paying for vep7 if someone will feel compelled to run vep6 instead due to vsl stripping them of their multi machine license in vep7. What you are guessing about 6 and 7 able to run along side each other I do not believe will be the case. There is no need to run both servers on one machine, the question is about both versions of the plugin on the daw machine and believe that will be problematic. Not to mention that even if that does turn out to be solvable, telling a user that unless they spend a lot more money from now on they will have to use some hacked up multi version setup in order to continue with multi machine networking as they can now in vep6. That alone would represent a downgrade, and frankly I doubt it will work anyway because of plugin Id conflicts in the host. And really there is no point in hobbyists upgrading to vep7 at all if they have intention of using multi machines, at least occasionally. Well unless vep7 turns out to be such an incredible new software upgrade, then maybe, but for my part I paid as much as I was willing to pay for vep about a year ago and I would not pay more then $100 for an awesome upgrade now, and only if it preserved the 3 licenses I already paid for. Attack me all you want but my wallet will be closed.

  • Ps - I bought well over $5k of vsl product this year including vep6, cube full, mirpro and all mir Expansions. I intend to use and love the hell out of what I just bought. But based upon various moves vsl has made this year related mainly to their poor handling of licenses in already very pricey products, there is very little possibility that I will buy any more products from them unless I see a major change in how they treat their customers. This vep7 meltdown is just more of the same from them this year.

  • Questions Pre Installation/250214

  • Updates With More Than One VEP5 License/250836

  • My suggestion: In addition to a discount on upgrading the main license, sell the additional licenses to owners of VEP 6 for €20. It will be closer to the previous upgrade price for 3 licenses and still justify a general cost increase and the new features and everyone would be happy.

  • I concede that you may not be able to have two versions installed. It doesnt change anything I stated, you still can continue to use VEP6 until you have purchased all the licenses you need for VEP7. Since you are able to continue to use VEP6, it is not a downgrade.

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    @littlewierdo said:

    Ok, I concede that you may not be able to have two versions installed. It doesnt change anything I stated, you still can continue to use VEP6 until you have purchased all the licenses you need for VEP7. Since you are able to continue to use what you already have, it is not a downgrade.

    Do you still believe that?

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    @littlewierdo said:

    Ok, I concede that you may not be able to have two versions installed. It doesnt change anything I stated, you still can continue to use VEP6 until you have purchased all the licenses you need for VEP7. Since you are able to continue to use what you already have, it is not a downgrade.

    Do you still believe that?

    What do you mean? Im able to admit when Im wrong, but this doesnt change anything I said with regards to this being a downgrade. Im not sure why it was important to install VEP7 before you had all the licenses purchased for VEP7 anyway. The only thing that changes is, you should wait to install VEP7 until you have all the licenses for it.

  • Dollar for dollar it most definitely is a downgrade. Let it go littleweirdo, you’re just arguing for the sake of arguing.

  • This downgrade nonsense is the dumbest thing. Its unbelievable some of you cant understand this. By your logic, any persons who choose not to upgrade any licenses to VEP7 are also being downgraded. In fact, its like me handing Vienna a $20 payment and saying Im being downgraded becuase I cant download their entire library. "But I paid for part of the library cost"... Right, but you didnt pay for the entire cost of the library, hence, you cannot download the library. "But I bought one upgrade license..." Right, but you didnt pay for every license you are wanting to use, thus, you cannot use the new version, you must continue to use the version you are on until... and this is the part about licensing that is a bitch, you buy a license for every machine you want to run it on. You arent being downgraded, you are unable to upgrade until you buy all the licenses. WTF is so hard to understand about this?

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    @littlewierdo said:

    This downgrade nonsense is the dumbest thing. Its unbelievable some of you cant understand this. By your logic, any persons who choose not to upgrade any licenses to VEP7 are also being downgraded. In fact, its like me handing Vienna a $20 payment and saying Im being downgraded becuase I cant download their entire library. "But I paid for part of the library cost"... Right, but you didnt pay for the entire cost of the library, hence, you cannot download the library. "But I bought one upgrade license..." Right, but you didnt pay for every license you are wanting to use, thus, you cannot use the new version, you must continue to use the version you are on until... and this is the part about licensing that is a bitch, you buy a license for every machine you want to run it on. You arent being downgraded, you are unable to upgrade until you buy all the licenses. WTF is so hard to understand about this?

    Of course if we don’t pay for vep7 it will not be a downgrade! That’s why I won’t be paying for it! Nobody has said otherwise. If we pay for vep7 at the expected upgrade price matching up historically and based reasonable expectations then we willl be downgraded in terms of multi machine use. The only way to get multi machine use is to start paying significantly more for vep7, and presumably vep8 and vep9 will also be way more expensive then vsl ever represented things in the past, in order to continue with multi machine. The default, to one license only; is a downgrade. You are wrong little weirdo.

  • Lately it almost feels as if VSL are brainstorming marketing ideas to push away their long term customers. I have certainly spent well upwards of $10K on VSL libraries and software in the 8 years or so that I have been a user. I am definitely a fan (especially of  their classic VI & MIR products), and a massive part of my workflow is based around VSL products.

    Recent marketing strategies (sys preorder, synchronised libs, now this) however are leaving me disillusioned and increasingly tentative about purchasing new VSL products. I bought VEP6 under then impression that it would always include enough licenses to enable networking - that was part of the deal - networking is THE major feature of VEP. Had I been aware that VEP7 would be a functional downgrade - there is no way I would have bought VEP6.

    It seems as if the synchronised libs were like VSL testing the waters to see how many old users would buy something that they alread have, again. Obviously that worked (I fell into the trap unfortunately - mostly out of fear that the superior VI Pro Player will eventually stop being supported), and now they have learned that they can make their old users re-buy things, presumably because it worked the first few times.

    I'm not going to play this game anymore. As it stands, I will not be buying VEP7 unless the new features (that are not FX) are good enough to SIGNIFICANTLY improve my workflow (and my expectations for VEP7 are low - how good could it be if you don't even know what the features are). If it incuded 3 licenses, as I was under the impression that it would when I bought VEP6, I would most likely have bought it once the features become available. It is unlikely that I'll ever preorder anything from VSL ever again - DS3 would be the only exeption to this, as long as it wasn't a synchronised version.

    Don't push away customers. That doesn't make sense.

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    @littlewierdo said:

    I concede that you may not be able to have two versions installed. It doesnt change anything I stated, you still can continue to use VEP6 until you have purchased all the licenses you need for VEP7. Since you are able to continue to use VEP6, it is not a downgrade.

    Why indefinitely uselessly argue and open opened doors? We all know VEPro licenses don't kill previous ones. Take a rest.

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    @antcarrier said:

    ...Obviously that worked (I fell into the trap unfortunately - mostly out of fear that the superior VI Pro Player will eventually stop being supported), and now ...
    Oh, oh, oh ... fear? You really bought it out of fear ... Wow! Don’t do it. I mean that seriously. Think further and ask yourself ... „what will happen when Herb Tucmandl is retiring one day?“ It is clear that he will sell the Project to ... whoever is willing to pay the price. But in that case the future is open and uncertain in many ways. In the worst case your products will become an „eternal Logic 5“ (Windows Version of course 😉. So ... a good advice from LAJ: Do not buy products of any kind out of fear. This will not be rewarded. Nothing is forever!

  • Well, only DM Brass. I really like that library and the crossgrade wasn't that expensive. I wouldn't touch the synchronised string crossgrades though - far too expensive for an inferior product.

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    @Dewdman42 said:

    Dollar for dollar it most definitely is a downgrade. Let it go littleweirdo, you’re just arguing for the sake of arguing.
    He'll never understand that. Like I said earlier this troll should go back to Gearslutz - I think that village is missing it's idiot.

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    @littlewierdo said:

    You arent being downgraded, you are unable to upgrade until you buy all the licenses. WTF is so hard to understand about this?

    Why don't you calm down first.  It is my/our right to be unhappy with this new licensing decision.  I paid for VEP because it had 3 licenses, I would never have bought it if it only had one and I'm definitely not upgrading to 7 with the current price plan. 

    Eric E. Hache