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    @Adia said:

    I have 3 licenses of VEP6. I bought 2 upgrades to 7. Have I lost 2 licenses because I am confused??
    Why did you buy two upgrades? You only needed one upgrade and pay for any extra licenses at a lower price.

    Now you have two licenses - one on each VEPro 7 upgrade. Again - why did you buy two upgrades? You didn't lose anything except for some money. But compared to VEPro 6 you're down one license asset.

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    @Remoteguy said:

    I am very confused why everyone is so hostile about this release. I just purchased it. With a very modest investment I am recieving version 6, I will have version 7 when it is released. The new Epic Orchestra 2.0 is 10 times the size of the previous version, and it has Synchron compatibilty with some samples.  It is included for free yet some people are still complaining about it. Sounds like people are upset about having to pay to upgrade to a newer version, but this is normal with most software. You will still have your multiple license verision of 6 to use if you have invested in it, And nothing is to stop you from purchasing one or two upgrade licenses if you need them. I think it is a great deal and I look forward to using it. 

    The problem is NOT having to pay for the upgrade to version 7 but having to pay extra to keep the same amount of licenses one already has. With the upgrade you actually lose 2 licenses if you don't pay extra for them. I've never seen a program where you lose the amount of licenses you get when a new version comes out.

    You don't lose two licenses. You don't lose any licenses. However you do have to pay to upgrade each license if you want them to be on version 7. Nothing is stopping you from using your other 2 version 6 licenses as nobody has taken them away from you.  I am not trying to be unsympethetic to your situation, but upgrades are completely at your discretion. And it sounds like you only need one license for a Master and a Slave computer....

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    @Remoteguy said:

    I am very confused why everyone is so hostile about this release. I just purchased it. With a very modest investment I am recieving version 6, I will have version 7 when it is released. The new Epic Orchestra 2.0 is 10 times the size of the previous version, and it has Synchron compatibilty with some samples. It is included for free yet some people are still complaining about it. Sounds like people are upset about having to pay to upgrade to a newer version, but this is normal with most software. You will still have your multiple license verision of 6 to use if you have invested in it, And nothing is to stop you from purchasing one or two upgrade licenses if you need them. I think it is a great deal and I look forward to using it.
    The problem is NOT having to pay for the upgrade to version 7 but having to pay extra to keep the same amount of licenses one already has. With the upgrade you actually lose 2 licenses if you don't pay extra for them. I've never seen a program where you lose the amount of licenses you get when a new version comes out. You don't lose two licenses. You don't lose any licenses. However you do have to pay to upgrade each license if you want them to be on version 7. Nothing is stopping you from using your other 2 version 6 licenses as nobody has taken them away from you. I am not trying to be unsympethetic to your situation, but upgrades are completely at your discretion. And it sounds like you only need one license for a Master and a Slave computer.... Yes but upgrading is the way to keep current, and updated, so in a way for some people the price for keeping up to date has doubled.

  • I only see 1 license on one of my iLok's

    I too had the 3 license setup from before 

  • VEP 6 is $285.

    VEP 7 is $75 for the first license...

    plus $45 for the second...

    plus $45 for the third...

    My math shows that to upgrade all three is $165. That is 58% of the cost of VEP 6, not double.

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    @adriaantaylor said:

    I only see 1 license on one of my iLok's

    I too had the 3 license setup from before 

    VEPro does not use iLok. Even on the Vienna key you'll only see 1 license for VEPro 6; the other 2 (if unused) would still be in your Vienna account.

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    @littlewierdo said:

    VEP 6 is $285. VEP 7 is $75 for the first license... plus $45 for the second... plus $45 for the third... My math shows that to upgrade all three is $165. That is 58% of the cost of VEP 6, not double.
    I was refrering to the cost of upgrading against the previous upgrading cost. It has indeed double due to a business decision. Upgrade from 5 to 6 (with the three licenses) was 85 Euros (100 after preorder) so in order to UPGRADE and keep using three systems, and stay current for future developments, the cost has doubled from previous upgrades. Again, I will not attempt to dictate the business path of the developers, they should charge whatever they think the market will pay, and they have developed a peoduct which hs no competition, but I sure understand why some users feel a little baffled about this business policy change.

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    @David Molina said:

    Wow, I would really hate to have you all as customers. They haven't disclosed all the details yet and you guys are already whinning about things you don't know yet. Just be patient and wait for them to reveal all the details. Once they reveal everything and you still don't like it, send them an email. Amazing.

    I totally agree with that. People were complaining about the fact that you had to buy the whole bundle again to get a 4th license, and now that you can buy individual licenses, they're still complaining. If the upgrade contained the three licenses, the price would have been much higher than 75 euros. And the Epic Orchestra 2.0 is a free bonus but they're even complaining about that. So yes, definitly the worst custommers ever.

    There's a great solution to that. Include three licenses with the base package and then sell additional licenses at the given price.  

    It's pretty clear to me that people are simply saying that the upgrade costs too much. If it was $75 from VE5 to VE6 for three licenses, then it should be comparable from VE6 to VE7. You can't argue that the price would be higher if more licenses were included and then also argue that it isn't higher because the extra fluff is included. 

    Beyond that, I'm definitely on the side of "who cares about epic orchestra."  For that matter, I don't care about the VSL effects either, I have plenty of effects, they work great.  VSL should realize that at least some of their customers for this product have almost no interest in orchestral libraries at all.  Yes, I use all three license, and yes, I use networking, and, for me, the networking is the only reason I own, and recommend, the product in the first place. I'd be willing to bet that the overwhelming majority of customers who only own VEP actually do use the networking and may feel similarly. 

    This product is useful to people outside of VSL's typical customer base. Instead of treating us like your orchestral customers why don't you guys consider trying to market more effectively to non-orchestral customers who need this kind of solution.

  • Hello. I am very disappointed about this upgrade. It will be very expensive to have many licenses. I really don't need Epic orchestra and all this plug ins, you say it's free. That is why your upgrade price are so expensive, because you put all this shit in Vepro 7 that many of us not need, and will never use. I really hope you will come with an upgrade without Epic orchestra and plug in.

  • I think this may have already been posted but here goes anyway:

    How about giving us an option of choosing between getting Epic Orchestra OR 3 license assets? And if someone really wants EO they pay extra for it?

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    @andyjh said:

    I notice from an email from VSL that the introductory offer expires on Feb 28th,  so if we don't get more info on what VEP7 is before then,  will this introductory offer be extended ?  or do we really just have to buy something and hope it does something we want ?

    The emails I got from both VSL and ILIO on Feb 19 did not have an expiration date for the intro offer. Where did you see the date you mention?

    This is the email I received from VSL:-

    If you order Vienna Ensemble Pro 7 you qualify for a free download of our Japanese Giant Taiko Drum bonus library for Epic Orchestra 2.0. This special library portion is not available for purchase and is offered to you exclusively through February 28, 2019.

    Doesn't it seem reasonable to be informed what VEP7 is before an introductory offer expires?

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    @andyjh said:

    I notice from an email from VSL that the introductory offer expires on Feb 28th,  so if we don't get more info on what VEP7 is before then,  will this introductory offer be extended ?  or do we really just have to buy something and hope it does something we want ?

    The emails I got from both VSL and ILIO on Feb 19 did not have an expiration date for the intro offer. Where did you see the date you mention?

    This is the email I received from VSL:-

    If you order Vienna Ensemble Pro 7 you qualify for a free download of our Japanese Giant Taiko Drum bonus library for Epic Orchestra 2.0. This special library portion is not available for purchase and is offered to you exclusively through February 28, 2019.

    Doesn't it seem reasonable to be informed what VEP7 is before an introductory offer expires?

    That February 28 date is only for the Taiko and not the upgrade price. Yes it is entirely reasonable to know what's in the VEPro 7 upgrade before any offer expires but we do NOT have an expiration date for the upgrade offer itself. It's a question that Paul from Vienna has consistently ignored.

  • I must be missing something. I did the upgrade and paid 75 Euros. I now have 3 VEP 6 licenses and 1 VEP 7 license. I dont understand how people are saying they are losing something with this upgrade.

    If you want the update, purchase it. If you dont, dont. If you arent sure, wait.

    I will also suggest a couple of things, when Vienna puts VEP 7 on sale, which they inevitably will, likely when VEP 7 is released, by then, you'll have more details. Second, Vienna will continue to support VEP 6 to keep it at least functional for the next year or two. I imagine they arent going to update it for features, but they will continue to fix issues.

    I only recently just purchased VEP 6 2 months ago and I am mildly annoyed that there was no consideration for people who just purchased VEP recently, but, it is what it is. Pay the money and move on with your life. You're going to do it anyway, just do it and you dont have to think about it again until VEP 8. Considering how long VEP 6 was out before VEP 7, Im sure VEP 8 will be years away.

  • Does the upgrade price from VSL 6 to 7 include the new Epic Orchestra? Also, are there any significant changes to VSL 7 that makes it more functional? I can't find clear explanations for this. Thanks


    Yes, Epic Orchestra 2.0 is included with any first license of VE Pro 7 (also with an upgrade license). 

    Details about the included new features will be added as soon as they have passed all internal tests. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Paul said:

    Details about the included new features will be added as soon as they have passed all internal tests.

    Paul, there's been a phenomenal amount of criticism about having a promo period with no details of VE Pro 7, both here on this forum and even more vocally elswhere.  I've never really understood this criticism, as its always been clear that we'll have full details before the introductory discount ends, so those of us uninterested in Epic Orchestra 2.0 can just wait and see - no harm done.

    I'll be honest however, this latest Taiko promotion makes me uneasy.  Why start it after the announcement?  And why only for one week?  From your reply here, I'm sure not expecting any details in the coming few days, so now we actually are in the situation the critics were complaining about.  One could be forgiven for thinking you guys don't have confidence in VE Pro 7 to sell itself, and need a way to get people to sign up before this is clear.

    Hopefully these are just crazy paranoid thoughts, and VE Pro 7 will have the great new features we're hoping for.  If so, I'm not sure why you don't extend the Taiko promo right through this pre-sale period.

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    @Paul said:


    Yes, Epic Orchestra 2.0 is included with any first license of VE Pro 7 (also with an upgrade license). 

    Details about the included new features will be added as soon as they have passed all internal tests. 


    Would you at least tell us hw long the intro upgrade pricing lasts? Saying that there's no news on the features until it's released isn't cool. You could at least give us a better idea than the scant info that's been seen. This is really angering people.

  • I understand the unwillingness to announce a date on which VEPro 7 will be available. But I think a statement that the pre-order pricing will be available for N days after the product is introduced (or N days after a full list of new features and improvements is announced) would help restore VSL's credibility, which I think has suffered some damage here.

  • Thanks for your reply Paul. Epic is more of a curious question, as I have more orchestral samples than I know what to do with. My main interest in Pro 7 upgrade is to take stress off the DAW like Pro 6 does at the moment. I'm hoping this new version will have insert capabilities for compression, eq, etc. I have my fingers crossed.

  • My biggest concern is VEP 7 (on the master computer) able to load VEP 6 (on slave computers) template, since I have 3 licenses of VEP 6 and 1 license of VEP 7? Or I have to spend more money to upgrade all my 3 VEP 6 licenses to VEP 7?