I do apologize for yet another belated thank you for listening and your comments but I've been a little busy lately.
@ William,
You mentioned the timbres and that reminded me of the VSL gongs I used. There's something enchanting about the VSL gongs and I find myself using them quite a bit. The haunting sound they create has a soothing effect and I just love them along with the other VSL percussive instruments but those gongs really stand out for me.
Also, the Vienna Suite makes a huge difference because you can sweeten the sound without over coloring it, if that makes any sense. Of course you can sweeten and color if that's what you want but, to me, that sounds over processed.
@ Errikos,
Well, I do fancy myself a lady's man at times and anything I can do to impress the fairer sex is worth a shot. Of course my wife would prefer I make the Musikalische Opfer to just her alone in which case I happily oblige by tickling the ivories for her when the mood is right. Then after a few glasses of wine we proceed to tickle each other but I won't discuss that here because, well this ain't that kind of forum buddy😉
And on that note, I don't know if the forum is dying or if it's going through an evolutionary cycle but it does seem like many of the stalworth forum elders no longer contribute their wisdom. It's kind of sad. I was just thinking the other day what ever happened to DG? He was such a treasure trove of knowledge and advice. I miss his well informed and pithy posts. I hope he's in good health and successful.
But I'm so glad to see that you still keep in touch with the forum because it just wouldn't be the same without you😊