(had to remove this)
This is an awesome piece of music. One might even say "Epic" but I mean that in a good way. I love the ending. I can think of no way to improve upon the composition itself. It is very well done.
The sound quality is a little bit troubling for me. This could be my fault. My hearing is gradually getting worse. I had a terrible ear infection a few years ago which damaged my hearing. But also, at 66, part of my hearing loss is just age, and will probably continue.
OK, so take this with a grain of salt then, I detect a mildly metallic quality in this piece. I do not know for sure where it comes from, but if it was my mix, I would turn off everything, and gradually add back plugins to find the source of the metallic quality.
Thank you, William, for sharing your work on this forum. I greatly admire your work.
Very aptly evocative of the title. A lot of people name their compositions irrespectively to their musical content, so even if the music is good it suffers somewhat by an incongruous title. I like the use of the Wagner tubas in this way, most people would have scored this for horns and trombones.
The nuns have already split while the poor monks are shaking in their robes. Better say their prayers🌩️
This sounds fantastic William! The themes, the orchestration, the arrangement. Just the whole ensemble is so powerful. The horns sound glorious and awesome while those beautiful strings just soar above the orchestra. Are those Synchron? or Appassionato? (layered I'm sure)
Now I want to pick up my battle axe and raid the neighbor's bird bath. Those damn tweeters wake me up at six in the morning😤
Thanks Stefan and Jasen. I didn't mean to inspire any violence toward birds. Remember what we learned from Hitchcock. Anyway it is the Appassionata strings.
Lucy, thanks, I am also experimenting with more humanization. I used to do it within the sequencer but the VI humanizing presets are so effective I started using those only. I've often thought that the equivalent humanization settings for various excellent live orchestral performances I've heard would actually be BEYOND the maximum that the sliders in VI allow in both tuning and timing.
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