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  • [SOLVED Opening mframe crashed VEP5


    I have an issue with a new computer build.

    I am trying to open my mframe project that opened and functioned just fine on my old W7 machine that I am taking out of service. The new build is identical, save for MB (chipset), CPU and RAM.

    I have all of the plugs and libs auth'd, and VEPro has scanned the proper folder for all of the plugs. All of settings in Prefs are the same.

    At some point while the mframe is in the prosess of loading - and I cant tell where exactly - VEP crashes and I am left with nothing. It just goes back to the desktop.

    Cubase and all other apps are closed. The mframe was last saved with 5.145970 on the old machine, and the new machine has 5.145970

    Not to sure where to look - was hoping someone will have a suggestion.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hi Jeff, 

    I have answered your mail to support this morning, asking for the log files... hope we get some info from there. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi

    I found the problem - it is a plug. Will send an email. Thanks!