Has anyone tried using the new SSD5 with VEP? Haven't had any luck at all yet.
Slate Digital SSD5 Drums
That's interesting. Did he give you any further reason then "no"? SSD5 is actually working for me seemingly fine on VEP6 OSX, I'm using the AU plugin. Interestingly, the VST version of the SSD5 plugin is not showing up in VEP.
You can also try to use a hosting plugin inside VEP for this, such as Image-line minihost-modular (FREE), or Plogue Bidule or BlueCataudio patchworks, sometimes they can host plugins when VEP can't. Worth a try anyway.
Not long ago I was able to run SSD5 on my Windows VEP slave too, so I'm not sure why SS said its not compatible with VEP or why you're having problems.
Interesting. All I've tried to far is to instantiate it within VEP6 on the slave machine. I kenw it was AU and couldn't see why it wouldn't work. Havent really needed it yet cuz I'm doing a project with real drums that sound spectacular. But I'll poke around as time allows.
Thanks so much! This is good news