Hi. Thanks a lot for you responses.
Ok. Reducing the Inputs/Outputs didn't help since I am using all them (32) and Cubase got very confused after doing so. Freezing for good after trying to reconect the missings I/O... I could not load my ongoing projects anymore (2 features in the making. I got a bit scared for while :-( ) Now I got it back to work
Anyhow the very long time before the Cubase session completed the load and showing up didn't hapen before with the same template and I/O counts.
@Civilization Phase? 3 ;-)
I always been confused about decoupling and preserving. Hard to find the best solution. I used to decouple only while working for saving time as the template takes several minutes to save.
But I tried as you suggested; loading the template manually before Cubase and then connect Cubase with it and yes it's a good work around to skip this amazing long time for cubase to show up (right now more than 10 min!!!) Maybe that's the way to do for to be abble to keep the same template once for all?
Still I don't get why it started to do that. I think it was after updating VEP to 6.0.17226.
@dereck no I don't have elicenser prob! But my VEP server is on a slave PC...