I would like to setup the following string section scenario hosted by VE Pro 5/6:
VSL Orchestral Strings (main library)
VSL Chamber Strings (Used for divisi sections)
OT Berlin Strings SFX (Vln 1, Vln 2, Vla, Celli, bass) - uses KONTAKT 6 (full version)
Can I put all 1st Violins on channel 1 (all Vln 2 on channel 2 etc.) and switch between Orch Strings, Chamber strings, and Berlin SFX?
or do I need to put Orch Strings on channels 1-5, Chamber strings on channels 6-10, and Berlin sfx on channels 11-15?
My sequencer is Sibelius 2018 ultimate and I would be grateful to know the best way to set this up.
None of the above libraries will be required to sound together. However, in the future I would like to blend VSL solo strings with orch strings as section leaders and soloists.