I Have just set up a slave PC to run my samples using Ensemble Pro 6 on both PC's.
I am using both Kontakt 5.8 and Kontakt 6 depending on the library. A lot of my Kontakt libraries seem to work ok in Ensemble Pro 6 sessions although with some I need to open a library from say Heavyocity first in the session otherwise if I open a library from say 8Dio it cmoes out all merged and unusable if I open it as the first instrument.
I can't open any of my Spitfire libraries in an Ensemble Pro 6 session. If I try and load an instrument it just shows a big white ! and says the sample is empty and not initiated with Kontakt. However if I load it into Kontakt outside of Ensemble Pro 6 it is fine. Just every so often I try to load a Spitfire library into an existing Ensemble Pro 6 session with miltiple other Kontakt instruments from other libraries already loaded then the Spitfire library does load and play.
Don't know if this is something I am doing wrong or not, any advice would be appreciated because at the moment the only option is to run the Spitfire libraries on the primary PC running the sequence software not the slave which defeats te object.
My Primary PC is running Windows 7 Professional, the slave is running Wndows 10