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  • For William, Part 2

    Ok let’s get down to it.

    Rule No 1: don't expect a single 12-note microtuning file to cover every note you've scored in a piece - this is the 21st century and we're used to the freedom to modulate all over the place; indeed western orchestras have been using somewhere around 29 or 30 or so notes within the octave in their repertoires for a very long time. So wherever you've modulated out of the range of one particular tuning file, it's simply a matter of switching to another VIPro matrix in which you've set up a microtuning file to cover the notes at that particular place in the score. For the sake of economy of effort, obviously the trick is to try to minimise the number of times you have to switch between different 12-note microtunings. Of course the note tunings you put into each microtuning file don't have to constitute a scale when considered as a whole. For practical purposes I call any 12-note collection of microtunings a "cast", as in a cast of actors on stage at any one time. A cast may or may not be a scale, it doesn't matter. Switching to a different 12-note set of microtunings is “recasting”, and there will typically be substantial overlap between any two successive casts.

    Rule No 2: The score must of course show precisely what each and every note is intended to be, i.e. a natural, flat, sharp, double flat or double sharp. (Oh yes, ET has let many of us become lazy in this regard, in which case it's time to brush up!)

    In Logic I've slung together a rough sketch of the first 12 bars of Althyria and I've assumed the first arpeggiated accompaniment chord is Cmin maj7 + 9, and the opening leitmotif is Eb, D, B, C, Eb, D. 

    Let’s start building a PI cast in VIPro with these microtunings, leaving the other notes at 0 cents for now: C = -6, D = -2, Eb = -12, G = -4, B = +4. We’ll see how far we can go with it.

    The first 3 bars fit nicely. Then the truncated melodic and harmonic sequences begin in bar 4, where I think there's an F# - an interesting sequence transposition across a just minor third - or, sticking to PI transposition, it would be Gb but that could then lead to very remote tonal areas. Probably best if you take it from here. As and when you need a new note to be microtuned, just add the appropriate cents in the VIPro matrix tuner. And when you encounter a new note that’s different to what you’ve already set up in the matrix tuner, it’s time to switch to another matrix and tune it from there.

    List of microtuning cents for PI (All referenced to A)

    Fbb -35,  Fb -22,   F -8,   F# +6,   Fx +20

    Cbb -33,  Cb -20,   C -6,   C# +8,   Cx +22

    Gbb -31,  Gb -18,  G -4,   G# +10,  Gx +23

    Dbb -29,  Db -16,  D -2,   D# +12,  Dx +25

    Abb -27,  Ab -14,   A 0,    A# +14,   Ax +27

    Ebb -25,  Eb -12,  E +2,   E# +16,   Ex +29

    Bbb -23,  Bb -10,  B +4,   B# +18,   Bx +31

  • Wow, thanks for that info Macker.  I will work on it though may take a while!

  • Long story short: if you want the more basic concords, for instance, afforded by a just intonation, or a 'limited' rational intonation for a certain tonic, this applies to everything in a matrix. Now, if you modulate, the ratios of course no longer apply. So you may establish this kind of intonation in another matrix for that case scenario (for the new tonic).

    That's one intended use for 'classical'-oriented musicians. The non-western ones aren't really for extended modulation; exception being the maqam-type modulation where there will be a second intonation at the IV level.

    You can easily create your own. Just find them on your system and open them with a text editor in order to note the format of a scala file. These are just text files formatted this particular way.

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    @Another User said:

    The vast majority of 'exotic' tunings are either attempts to overcome the limited modulation range of fixed 12-note tuning in PI or MT, or are non-European and thus require special cultural understanding to use properly. These days I have little or no interest in any of them. I've tried out a few classical Indian scales but gave up on them because modulation as we know it doesn't exist in classical Indian modal music - traditional modal music in Europe also never involved modulation. So I've stayed focused on the two most historically significant intonation schemas used in Europe - PI and MT.

    Well, yeah, if you want Indian intonation to modulate very far, it's the same problem as JI, isn't it. 
    People that do follow the culture and seek knowledge in it have another disposition than do you.

    That said, the sitar has actually been set in an orchestral setting, for instance. You could modulate up a P4 and not get into terrific trouble, depending on your tuning (frets placement). In fact you could design the piece for such. Quite like designing a VI Pro preset, with attention to your matrices variances.

    IE: the difference between a major tone (9:8) and a whole tone in 12tET is not large. 

    OTOH: There are raags using the sarod where the intervals are quite smaller than a semitone (the definition of microtonal) but this is just a product of that music's expressive capacity. (The vioiin of course is another fretless stringed instrument.)

    Back to something useful: One may find that instrumentalists in an ensemble strive towards some simpler consonances than 12th root of 2 equal temperament affords. This is a reality-based assessment. 
    Major third in 12tET is 13.69¢ sharper than 5:4, for instance. One may be well conditioned to this after a time, or one may find this to be what it is physically, less concordant (one may even having noticed that find it to be not the best sounding thing, in this or another usage. 5:4 may be felt as 'flaccid' or the like. You may want more than one intonation for the single tonic, 5:4 vs 81:64 or the 12tET version, you-name-it).
    So here is a use case for eg., JI in the VI Pro instrument. 
    One may not find all of it necessary. But it is a simple matter of modulation just using a matrix for the next tonic(s).

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    Oh yeah that would be totally simple. Multiple matrices at every modulation.

    Try that in this music and then get back to me on your simple, efficient workflow-


    But thanks for the chiming in. It is interesting to experiment in a basic way with these tunings.

  • Glad you get that I'm talking from my perspective, Civilization3, cuz I don't know of any other valid way for organic beings to communicate.

  • Thanks for that material macker. I want to experiment with this, though it is complicated on that score by using Dimension strings with all the 24 separate players.  

  • You're very welcome, William.

    VSL's approach to tuning is a welcome baby-step but it's far too localised, requiring an awful lot of tedious chores to use in modern compositions, as you've discovered.

    I for one will be lobbying for VSL to centralise their intonation facilities in future versions of VE, VIPro and presumably a future Synchron Pro player. It should at least be possible to apply switchable retunings centrally to all matrices in each instance of VIPro, if not globally to all players in each instance of VE. Ideally it would be global throughout the DAW, like I have in the centrally-controlled intonation subsystem I've designed in Logic's Environment. Apple's built-in global intonation facility in Logic is impossible to control or change on the fly, making it useless for all except simple pop productions - and even then (I think) it works only for the Logic instruments provided by Apple. 

    My Logic-based intonation subsystem is intended to be a proof-of-concept experimental prototype, hopefully useful as an aid to DAW and plugin instrument developers in formularising their own proprietary takes on advanced, flexible and slick intonation facilities. I'm also hoping it will be useful to some composers (Logic users) who don't mind experimenting with a prototype (though I have yet to address fully the intricacies of using huge numbers of library channels in slave computers). I intend to provide a free (no-strings-attached) release of the thing next year (assuming Apple have fixed the broken 14-bit MIDI processing in Logic Environment by then!)


    UPDATE: The "Synchronize scale of all matrices" button works (it didn't seem to work for me when I first tested it but maybe I was doing something stupid). So within each instance of VIPro at least there's no need to copy tuning casts or enter individual note tunings for each of its matrices. However, when this sync button is engaged it's still potentially a big inconvenience to have to duplicate channels in VE just to give each channel a new tuning cast, for each and every tuning cast that's required in a piece. That could easily amount to an awful lot of duplicated matrices in a piece that modulates extensively.

  • I have followed this thread with considerable interest, despite the fact that my musical (and acoustical physics) knowledge falls woefully short of understanding everywhere you are going. There is one form of tuning that I am wondering if it has a name. I have never actually been taught this concept, but on reflection, I think it is the way I actually tune in many situations. What I'm talking about is tuning wherein the lead voice states the melody in equal temperment and the harmonizing voices adjust their pitches to keep the chord in just intonation relative to the lead. For example, if the lead voice happens to fall on the 3rd of a dominant 7th chord, the root and fifth not only have to keep their interval perfect relative to each other, but they also squeeze the pitch up a bit to place the third of the melody note into the perfect spot. You don't really think about it, but I think that is what's going on. What do you call that?

  • You are right, it is tuning based on hearing at the time.  This happens all the time in orchestras as you know.  It has nothing to do with equal temperament and is probably most represented by just intonation, but that is debatable.  A very complex subject!  

    I personally love throwing things out of tune.  I am getting a little too extreme in that regard.  When I played in orchestra or band, I was always concerned about being in tune.  Now that I am using samples, I want everything to be OUT of tune. That is weird...

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    Tchampe, if we're to be precise, you might be referring to the "Hermode Tuning System" which requires a special software mechanism in computer based music production.

    I'm not aware that orchestras or ensembles of any kind in general usually have the skill to play in ET accurately and reliably without guidance from an ET instrument such as a piano or organ. ET is a mathematical convenience for certain fixed pitch instruments only; very little about it is natural or intuitive or easy to learn for other instrumentalists or singers. Indeed these days when we hear certain pop singers sounding like they've overdosed on tranquillisers or something, I bet you'll find the mix engineers have overdone the ET-based auto-tuning!

    I believe I heard the Vienna Philharmonic switch into ET deliberately and sustain it for a minute or so during one of their New Year's day performances several decades ago, but I guess that was merely to show off their superb and almost unmatched virtuosity.

    A-Capella singers may execute a multitude of wondrous feats of intonation while performing in ensemble, but I very much doubt if their top melody lines will ever conform to ET, intentionally or otherwise - it's too unnatural and difficult to learn.

    But I'd say what you describe is similar to what orchestral players have to do frequently as a normal matter of performance, which is to maintain melodic lines as far as possible in Pythagorean while the supporting parts may here and there have to harmonise in just intonation to certain individual melody notes.

    • Website describing the Hermode Tuning System:

    • Link to download a pretty lengthy PDF, in which the co-inventer of the Hermode Tuning System, Werner Mohrlok, describes the invention and what led him to invent it.

    • Short video tutorial by Kurt Sassmannshaus of, titled "Intonation: Which System to Use When"

  • Macker, thank you, I will check those sites. I realize now that we are actually talking about two different things; you guys are discussing intonation systems that can be applied to fixed-pitch instruments, I'm talking about "being in tune." I've probably overthought it...the lead tries to sing/play his/her part in tune with prevailing pitch of the ensemble and the rest of us adjust until the beats go away and the chord rings. Period. (And woe be unto you who cannot make this happen instantaneously!) In terms of VSL, this may have an application, primarily with chords played by individual instrumentalists on axes with a pure, straight tone (i.e., 4-part horns). Massed strings, all playing with minor variations of pitch and cranking a vibrato about a semi-tone wide, will not show this effect as clearly. Macker, you correctly mention the world of a-capella singing. After many years in bands and orchestras, it was not until I started singing close harmony in quartets and octets that I really became aware of this. In particular, my brief flirtation with barbershop harmony, with its almost religious fixation with pure intonation, was revelatory. Again, the effect is much less apparent in large choruses than it is with 4 individual singers.

    One interesting thing about a-capella: the clear, ringing chords only really happen when you stick to the lower end of the overtone series, like the barbershoppers. Anything much fancier than a dominant 7th loses the effect. When you get up into those extended Duke Ellington harmonies the sound is exquisite, but when it comes to tuning, you might as well line them up with a piano...there is no spot where you can just "feel" the note hit like you can with 3rds and 5ths.

  • Yeah the hermode system is an attempt at doing that real-time tuning which happens in orchestras or ensembles.  It is true that what is tuned in a live ensemble is as you put it, "playing in tune" which is definitely not anything corresponding to a keyboard's equal temperment.  Probably would have to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis to compare it to various systems.  

  • I checked the links Macker provided to the Hermode system. What an incredible analysis and effort that was! Mohrlok has certainly sought to reproduce exactly the effect I was talking about. I was really excited...until I listened to his examples of various well-known excerpts, many of them produced with VSL instruments, recorded with and without his HMT tuning. I hate to say it, but the improvement was, to my ears, extremely subtle. I mean after a few audtions I figured the "without" version would start to sound like the River City Boys Band, but it just didn't happen. Probably the best use I heard was the really pure sounding pipe organ stops, which, although cool, is very artifical (except for the gee-whiz setup they've done to make one particular organ auto-adjust using their software). It was actually pretty discouraging...I've always felt like I had pretty good ears and I've never had anyone gripe about my pitch...but I just wasn't getting a profoundly improved sonic experience. I'm not sure if I have just gotten used to the distortion of ET or my ears are shot...I have tinnitus screaming at various pitches above 8k that is usually the loudest "sound" I am perceiving.

  • Tchampe, thanks so much for the fascinating insights from your experiences as a musician - for me these snapshots and vignettes of actual practice are pure gold. 

    I know the Hermode system is limited - it's a nod in the direction of authentic orchestral intonation while remaining anchored to ET. I don't regard HMT as the way forward though I am blown away, as you were, by Mohrlok's tremendous ingenuity and effort.

    Yes I agree there are these two things: what happens when real musicians perform together, and what we computer users can or could or might do to emulate live performances with ever more vivid and valid realism. 

    As you point out, strings can elude strict analysis while they're cloaked in lush vibrato, and that's probably one good reason why I enjoyed William's wonderful rendition of Praetorius' dance written in 1611 for, essentially, a wind band. And btw, strings have yet another ace up their sleeve - they can also use so-called "expressive intonation" which involves playing somewhat sharp at judicious moments to enhance the emotional narrative.

    My professional background is design engineering (mostly classified) but I've also been an ardent dilettante in music for much of my life. I had my "swords to ploughshares" moment back in 2001 when I realised that my new ruby red iMac, with Logic Audio Platinum 3.5, Reason 1 and a few fragments of crude sample libraries, would let me design and implement my old '70s dream of a composer's virtual instrument. This virtual instrument is used with normal 12-note MIDI keyboards yet can play in a huge number of keys (over 80 at last count) and modulate freely between them on the fly, in any of several different intonation schemas. It's undergoing another major redesign right now, but I'm also having to wait for Apple to fix something they recently broke in Logic's Environment that my design depends on. Eventually I intend to make the design freely available to all - first as a (somewhat huge) Logic Environment template. 

    I reckon intonation is, if not the final frontier in the computer music revolution, then certainly a biggie in the near future.

  • That is an interesting background Macker!  I also played in orchestra, concert band, brass choir, brass quintet, opera orchestra, chamber ensembles, etc. for many years and have to say something similar to tchampe that the tuning is intuitive - so what does that correspond to any system?  It definitely is NOT reproducing a well-tuned piano.  But it may theoretically approach one of the "pure" or "just" intonation systems.  I have never used the hermode system but it is very interesting, and I wish there was something that did tunings in real time for samples, not fixed like the various settings available in VI, but rather constantly shifting based upon the notes being played.  That might be a huge step forward in realism, because it is normal and even instantaneous in orchestral performance.   

  • William wrote: "I wish there was something that did tunings in real time for samples, not fixed like the various settings available in VI, but rather constantly shifting based upon the notes being played." Check Mohrlok's HMT website, What you describe is exactly what he is doing and he demonstrates it primarily with VI renditions of well-known excerpts. How effective his solution is...a matter of opinion, but it is clearly what he is aiming at.  

  • Duplicate post...can't see how to delete. Sorry

  • William and tchampe, the extensive experience and skills you both have as musicians remain beyond what music technology can emulate accurately. As you both indicate, the intuitive approach of skilled musicians is sacrosanct and of paramount importance, and that's also probably a strong reason why music theorists and technologists over the centuries have had such difficulty in trying to grasp the whole subject of musical performance as a matter of facts and scientific knowledge.

    Tchampe, I guess the skills and beauty of harmony in musical performance have been highly important if not pre-eminent in your experience; and yes, the whole concept of the Hermode system certainly puts the beautification of harmony front and centre. And yet, awkwardly and stubbornly, there remains also that equally important matter of melody, which HMT does little to address, and whose often difficult and highly complicated relationship with harmony has been central in music for millennia.

    Somewhat ashamedly, I admit my system can't compete with the superb convenience of HMT in dealing with harmony. But I've approached the technological problem of surpassing ET from a different angle.

    In my earliest simple experiments with just intonation I loved the harmony but found myself yearning ever more intensely for a way of moving beyond one key. On a 12-note keyboard tuned to JI there's almost no scope for modulation. I didn't want to go down the path of using weird keyboards that have more levers per octave than the usual 12 - history shows that such exotic keyboards have never been widely adopted. Moreover, I found it extremely difficult to concoct good melodies in JI; unlike PI, JI scales simply don't lend themselves very well to clean, attractive and intriguing melodies. That's when I conceived of a system that could modulate easily AND give the sense of going places, all in real time, like orchestras but unlike ET.

    For me I suppose the melodic dimension, especially when modulating through different keys or tonal areas - all properly intoned - has become pretty much essential. That's why I don't find HMT completely satisfying: it doesn't handle my desire for melodic beauty, movement and modulation because it hangs on to ET while it takes care of harmony momentarily in JI. My system can intone harmony ('vertically') in JI while maintaining PI for the ('horizontal') melodic lines and direction in the music, but it can involve a rather busy and sometimes awkward process, unlike the completely automatic HMT.

    I'm beginning to consider whether I can add my system to HMT and get the best of both worlds. But in any case, thanks to you two gentlemen, I'm reminded not to neglect the beautification of harmony quite so much as I probably have.

    (P.S. For those who don't already know, the Hermode Tuning System has been a built-in feature of Logic since Logic Pro 9. Unfortunately however, I believe it works only with the virtual instruments Apple provide with Logic. It's in Project Settings/Tuning.)

  • I've been following this thread with keen interest since it lit up. Great discussion!  It intersects with some of my own interests. Macker, if it's not too complex a request to answer, I wonder if you might share some more details as to how you manage the relationship between vertical sonorities in just intonation whilst embroidering melodies in Pythagorean tuning and how that works in practice. If I can get a bit more detail it might be something to code into a plug-in type MIDI processor that could be used outside of the Logic environment and liberated to be active with other virtual instruments such as our VSL ensembles.

    And on a light-hearted note... who cares if a performance controller that provides the "levers" allowing a more nuanced approach to tuning is not widely adopted?  I for one have spent most of my creative life designing and building tools to support my practice that would likely not be of that much interest to the creative community at large. But... and this is a profound "but"... they work for me and I can do the things I want/need to do with them.  Unless, of course, the goal is to invent the next big thing in performance interfaces and go into business to promote it. I haven't the time for that kind of career shift anymore! ;-)  I think William might have been one of those who have suggested that I might turn my performance style system for selecting articulations—an articulation engine—into a marketable tool for others to use. I always respond the same... ask someone to pay for the thing you make, and they'll ask you to support their use of it. This is even more of an issue with things made of computational stuff. Just look at our heroic team of developers here at VSL and the constant stream of requests (to put it mildly) to fix what's broken or wonky. It's a full-time job.  I'm content with my home-brew computational luthierie where it just has to work for me, leaving me most of the time for the creative work.

    VSL is heading in the right direction with the model presented by the Synchron Player. The next step would be to add some intelligence based on some performance rules for articulation, dynamics, tempo, etc. that can be mapped to custom articulation sets, such as moving through the dimension tree based on the rules.

    I've learned much by studying and adapting the work of Anders Friberg and others in developing my performance system.

    I'd love to be able to incorporate a more sophisticated approach to tuning. Hermode looks doable, although I too find the examples I've heard to be a lot more subtle than I'd hoped. Which brings us full circle to Macker's approach.