Hello all!
I just started working on a new piece in which I would like to use the Vienna Dimension Brass. In the beginning I need the low brass ensemble playing these bars:
So I wonder how I can manage to record this with Vienna Instruments Pro (in Cubase 8) in the best possible manner.
What I did so far: I combines "sfz" and "dyn2sec" in the slot rack and used the time stretcher to adjust the second sample to my tempo (58%), I will use the Slot-X-Fade to change from "sfz" to the diminished "dynsec".
So how do I have to load this combination in the slots of the auto-divisi-Matrix and how can I get the four Instruments play their specific voice with the auto-divisi-Matrix? I am confused regarding the slot organisation. What I need is:
2+2 (staccato and the Sfzcres. afterwards), then 2+1+1 and 1+1+1+1 (both staccato) afterwards.
Can anybody help me? Thanks a lot!