Being that the sound libraries are completely seperate doesnt really help me use Synchron more. All of the products offered for Synchron, with exception to the orchestra one they just released (and I purchased) are all out of my price range, which also doesnt help. Personally, I dont understand the difference between the two, other than, one has a terrible UI with missing functionality and lacking libraries (which I understand will be eventuallly added) and the other (VI) has all the features and libraries for my taste.
Also a bit confusing, given the above, I already have the Special Edition libraries, I dont understand why I am paying $100 for those libraries to be synchro'd, other than some of the effects are really nice (the only reason I paid for the recent orchestra thingy they just released).
I think that the major reason to introduce the synchron-concept is not the transformation of exsiting libraries into synchronized ones (meanwhile that would imho make many things easier for instance for the Dimension-Series). The main reason as I understood are even much more detailed, mach nore powerfull Libraries, than those we already have in VI-Format, as the Synchron-Strings I or Synchron Percussion I provide already in their first Volumes so incredible much more than the corresponding VI Libraries (Orchestryl Strings I, and Orchestral Percussions.
In so far I personally understand, why VSL does not stick with an old concept but introduce a more powerful and more focussed one to make it possible to musically reasonably handle much more of important details of the sound. But you are right this is at the same time a challenge for the user to explore and learn the new power and adapt it to his own workflow.
At least I am glad that you found with the smart orchestra a product suitable for your needs and already found out some feature which are inspiring for you. However the fact the the development of Synchron-Series is just starting to be released, while the development of VI has already come to a point which does not allow in essential aspects as much improvement as the new concept makes me (even if I apreciate the existing libraries as we all do here) just arguing for staying open minded for the new to come,