1. There are people looking for Vienna to be additive to their already existing compositions. Enter Synchron.
2. Others are looking for Vienna to be their main library, that is VI.
3. The humanization feature works with ensembles in VI, so there is no reason it couldnt work in Synchron, it just is not there for whatever reason. In VI, choosing a 6 piece ensemble simulates 6 individual players and each note played will have unique characteristics. Synchron would need to do the same thing, but on a bigger scale.
4. The original response was quite rude. The question I asked was a rhetorical one that warranted no response. The purpose of the question was to point out that the response was rude, whether you saw it that way or not and furthers the conversation by stating that kind of response was unwarranted and uncalled for.
Random thoughts: I am not for one product verses another and I think that is where you missed the point. If you look at the development from Vienna this past year, it has all centered around Synchron. The point of the original post was to suggest that Vienna should not forget about Vienna Instruments. In fact, I could be wrong (I had open heart surgery earlier this year so I was out of commission for quite some time between March and June), but I dont recall seeing any products for VI this year. Looking at the archived news from this year (https://www.vsl.co.at/en/News/News_Archive), my suspicion is all but confirmed, every new product listed here is for Synchron.
I understand you like Synchron. That is great. Use whatever works for you. Some of us however prefer VI and certainly, if the plan is to end of life VI and move everything to Synchron, I and I am sure many others, will be sadly disappointed.