I do lilke the existent VI-Libraries and the Silent-stage concept, while I think the Synchron-Player concept is even for silent-stage Libraries still a reasonable and significant improvement for organizing that wealth of instruments and their articulationtypes.. And the fact, that the Smart-Orchestra is designed for the Synmchron-Player seems to indicate, that VSL, also know those advantages for ver very different kinds of usage.
There are many interesting things they might or even should do (one of my favorites would be to make their wonderful vokalists be able to sing not only "a" and "u" but comparable articulation sets in all vowels (german "e", "i", "o") and this would be an extension for the exsioting silent-stage library - while the synchron player again wouold be a great help to organize the different syllaböes.)
But it is understandable if after 15 years they will replace the orchestral Cube with a new "state of the art" Prodiuct since this is kind of their core product. However some grumpy Library Forum-Posters (who often are not that much know for any notable music produced with any Synchron Library ) might complain what they are just not yet used to handle right, the Synchron Series will set standards again difficult to meet by anyone else. So imho they should and will first give us the complete new Orchestra, for what ever else will follow will be still time enough after.