Dear friends!
I’d like to introduce you to a new friend:
The VSO is here for you in the good times, when inspiration flows like a never-ending river and you can’t keep up with all your ideas.
And it will also be there when you’re in a time-crunch and you need something GREAT really quick!
Easy to mix:
Actually, this one is load and play, but of course we added quite some flexibility!
All the stems and solo instruments are available on separate channels in the Synchron Player!
Add FX:
We are introducing an internal FX Rack with the new Synchron Player.
So don’t forget to check out our FX Presets with pretty impressive hybrid sounds based on our sample content!
Check out our demos and videos for some first impressions!
Chances are that this will be your new best friend!!
Oh, and did I mention the price? 😉
With the friendliest wishes from your Vienna Team!
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support