I'm playing with the upright bass on a fast tempo jazzy tune. In fact, it's cubase that is playing !
I want to trigger a down glissando, or slide aftera 1/8 note. When I edit my midi track to trigger the slide, I heard the slide between the 2 notes before the 2 note I want ! After 2 hours of search, tries, I don't know what to do. The only way I found to trigger the slide is to make the last note before the slide very short !
But I don't want that note to be so short, now there is a too long silence for the slide to trigger. I don't understand. I use to play basses with keyswitches since years but with other plugins than vip.
I'd like to know if there are some features, options I missed that would avoid me to trigger that damn slide without having to cut the note just before. Otherwise, that instrument becomes useless to me.
Many thanks for any info !