The more I listen to the sounds it occures to me the problem is not that I can't hear any Release samples, but that there is no Release envelope AT ALL. If I play any patch the sample will cut off immediately the moment I release the key of my keyboard.
If I now hold down any other key and play a line on the keyboard everything is fine and there is clearly a Release audible the moment I let go the key.
Any ideas would be great.
Thanks a lot.
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This is my first post after a very long time (that other life, you know), so let me say Hello again first!
I finally wanted to get back to using Orch Libraries and got myself the SE V1. When I let go the key of my keyboard the sample shuts down abruptly, even though it says in the Player that Release Samples are available. Is this the normal behaviour or am I getting something wrong, I just don't hear any RSs.
Thanks for helping, highly appreciated.
Oh yes, and: No native speaker her, sorry if bad English :/