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  • Humperdinck - Hänsel und Gretel - Overture - Intro

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    Hi Guys,

    To me this is the most challenging Piece and Recreation, but also the most beautiful. This is the Intro of Humperdincks - Hänsel und Gretel Overture. Performance on Intel I5 2500 3,30Ghz and 12GB RAM

    Humperdinck - Hänsel und Gretel - Overture - Intro


  • That is very natural and expressive sounding.  I love that piece also.  Which instruments and reverb were those? - it sounded excellent.  

  • Thank You very Much William. Im using besides the Woodwinds , a Combination of Appassionata Strings, Chamber Strings and Dimension Strings.  Because of the Clarity the Dimension Strings are more emphasized than the Others. I setup Ensemble like Instruments, like shown in the Picture. Im using MIRx only. The Setup in general includes a Speed Controller which changes automatic to a shorter Articulation on Horizontal Rows aswell as the manual Setting on Vertical Rows.

    Complete List of Instruments : Piccolo Flute, Flute Ensemble, Flute 2 + 3, English Horn, Clarinet Ensemble, Bassoon 1, French Horns Ensemble 4 Players, Trombone Ensemble 3 Players, Trumpet Ensemble 3 Players, Triangle, Dimension Strings, Chamber Strings, Appassionata Strings

    MIRx Vienna Konzerthaus Grosser Saal



  • Great sound, very believable and natural. Would love to hear the whole thing.

  • Thank You Paul

  • Hi Markus,

    I agree with Paul: it is great orchestral music in an evenso great performance of yours. A very nice orchestral sound indeed. Only one little moment the flute comes in too hard (near the end of the fragment). If this is part of your learning curve, you have reached a very decent level already!



  • Thank You Jos, Yes thats a good learning Curve on this Piece, because there are so many Things to take care about. Ive really got Trouble mixing 3 Flutes, which are playing different Notes, but most of the Time same Notes. So every Flute need to sound good in Relation to other Instruments. I now test different Stringcombinations on other Pieces, that i then also can use in this Piece. What I now search is a deep Bass/Cello Sound and best Place in MIRx for this Sound. I put lot of Chamberbasses and Dimension basses in, but maybe the Impression of less Bass comes from load of Instruments playing in the Range above the Bass.

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    Now I spend more Time on Articulations. Using almost every Type of Portato thats available. Dimension Strings doing a great Job. Its a reduced Instrumentation because not every Instrument is in Place.

    Work in Progress - Humperdinck Overture

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    Good Practice also for some difficult Instruments like the English Horn.

    Work in Progress - Hänsel und Gretel Overture - Woodwinds

    Another challenging Sequence, now adjusting teh Dynamics CC3, Filter CC24, Detune CC26

    Work in Progress - Hänsel und Gretel Overture - 2

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    so I have much Respect for Somone who mixes 120 Player together and care about every Note. And I only have about 62 Player here, but every Note must be analyzed. Here I have the updated Sequence Brass + Woodwinds + Double Bass + Triangle. Now I focus on the Dimension Strings.

    Work in Progress - Hänsel und Gretel Overture - 4

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    updated Version with more EQ on each Instrument.

    Work in Progress - Hänsel und Gretel Overture - 7

  • PaulP Paul moved this topic from Orchestration & Composition on