To test the congruence of the SYNCHRONized Chamber Strings with the SYNCHRON Strings I please find here the outcome of a little experiment:
I take the sequence of my existing demo with SYCHRON Strings I:
Holberg Synchron Strings I dry
I just assign the same patches to the SYNCHRONized Chamber Strings to listen the un-edited outcome:
Holberg SYNCHRONized Chamber Strings
I just merge the tracks with little volume adjustment, and again dry, no editing, no algorithmic reverb:
SYNCHRON Strings + SYNCHRONized Chamber Strings
I think the match is good: sound goes big, portamento/slur and legatos seem improved, and shorts are still crispy.
P.S. forget about the style, maybe not the right score for a large orchestra, nor the right phrasing, but just a sonic experiment.