What are your thoughts about the Legatos of Synchron Strings 1 ?
Are you able to produce great sounding, smooth, realistic, and very playable legato phrases ?
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What are your thoughts about the Legatos of Synchron Strings 1 ?
Are you able to produce great sounding, smooth, realistic, and very playable legato phrases ?
Hi, What are your thoughts about the[b] Legatos of Synchron Strings 1[/b] ? Are you able to produce great sounding, smooth, realistic, and very playable legato phrases ? Thanks. MuziksculpYes. Now go try them yourself. Please. I beg you. Form your own opinion and stop waiting for others to convince you.
What are your thoughts about the Legatos of Synchron Strings 1 ?
Are you able to produce great sounding, smooth, realistic, and very playable legato phrases ?
I assume, that one mistake those who have been so astonishingly fast with their judgement was, that it deserves some time to get used with the right musical contexts for the application of the different Legato and(!) Vibratotypes. the soft transition and lyrical vibrato which are simply on the first position of their Articulation dimensions are great for working on low dynamic levels, but that is not at all what you might be looking for as your ,most used bread and butter legato. normal and/or marcato with regulat vibrato will do that Job for instance much better.
On the other hand it seems to me that scarcly anyone considers, that Synchronstrings react different than cheeper Libraries based on the fact thqat they have 7 or 8 Velocity Layer so as the real musician you have to decide your self to use stronger Velocities if you want your Melodic Idea sound dominant enough, It is great to have other velocities which are very useful for other musical function for instance accompagniment tasks of strings. If you dont have that in mind the reason why your Melodic line does not convince as you expect it just because missing expierience with a great musical instrument. It's like my former Teacher "warning" about good Steinways they are like "a racing horse, be careful how to touch since it's large range of colors has no merci with your own mistakes in choosing the wrong ones"
I confess I am still learning but discover more and more how to get what I was looking for.
What are your thoughts about the Legatos of Synchron Strings 1 ?
Are you able to produce great sounding, smooth, realistic, and very playable legato phrases ?
I assume, that one mistake those who have been so astonishingly fast with their judgement was, that it deserves some time to get used with the right musical contexts for the application of the different Legato and(!) Vibratotypes. the soft transition and lyrical vibrato which are simply on the first position of their Articulation dimensions are great for working on low dynamic levels, but that is not at all what you might be looking for as your ,most used bread and butter legato. normal and/or marcato with regulat vibrato will do that Job for instance much better.
On the other hand it seems to me that scarcly anyone considers, that Synchronstrings react different than cheeper Libraries based on the fact thqat they have 7 or 8 Velocity Layer so as the real musician you have to decide your self to use stronger Velocities if you want your Melodic Idea sound dominant enough, It is great to have other velocities which are very useful for other musical function for instance accompagniment tasks of strings. If you dont have that in mind the reason why your Melodic line does not convince as you expect it just because missing expierience with a great musical instrument. It's like my former Teacher "warning" about good Steinways they are like "a racing horse, be careful how to touch since it's large range of colors has no merci with your own mistakes in choosing the wrong ones"
I confess I am still learning but discover more and more how to get what I was looking for.
I was under the impression that VSL intended for this library to be more playable, and to obtain great results without having to earn a PHD on how to use this library.
I was under the impression that VSL intended for this library to be more playable, and to obtain great results without having to earn a PHD on how to use this library.
And I was under the impression, that Ferrari build cars which let me drive racings without having a driving license 😉
(However learning by doing with VSL-Synchron will cause not that much damage than learning by doing driving with a Ferrari)
"Playable" does not mean, that you do not need to be "able to play"
I was under the impression that VSL intended for this library to be more playable, and to obtain great results without having to earn a PHD on how to use this library.
And I was under the impression, that Ferrari build cars which let me drive racings without having a driving license 😉
(However learning by doing with VSL-Synchron will cause not that much damage than learning by doing driving with a Ferrari)
"Playable" does not mean, that you do not need to be "able to play"
So far I have not heard any convincing, realistic Legato demos, So no one seems to have been able to master using this library ? I don't know, but most other popular strings libraries, you just play the legato articulation, and it sounds realistic, and smooth. Not the case with Synchron Strings.
Hi muziksculp
There are three way to answer your Question:
1) If want to know what you are able to get out this library, dont wait for others, but learn yourself to use all its options
2) If you want to listen, what other can do, just be patient and wait until they got familiar to handle the whole potential (you presumably have heard my first two recording being enthousiastic about the agility power and dynamic depth of the shorts, wait a few days and you will hear my next recording occupied with explorimg other qualities, however this will not at all be the last recording) So far I cant see any major problem to get different kinds of Legato for different needs. But nevertheless I still would not pretend to master all options in their most efficient combinations yet.
3) I confess, I do really know and tested some "other popular strings libraries" but I dont know any "other popular strings libraries, you just play the legato articulation, and it sounds realistic, and smooth" . The most of them are wise enough to let you hear a couple of (pseudo-)"cinematic" stereotyps but avoid to focus their advertising strategy and demos to much on the patches they call "Legato" 😛
To be honest I just go for the SSD's with most TB for the buck on my Synchron-Slave i currently beside a Scandisc 1TB System SSD I have a Crucial MX300 2 TB and a Micron 1100 2 TB SSD for the Samples (to come).
I currently use them with a preloadsize of 3172 and even if I still enable always the complete full Dynamic Vel-Range and do have between 50 and 70 GB Samples loaded in the Ram I was able to render my last projects. If this might change with the Use of further Synchronlibraries I should consider than what certain Hardware upgrade would be needed. A more dedicated SSD might be perhaps worth to think about than. Currently it is OK with the cheaper ones for me.
Please re-record legato, it sounds too unnatural and too synthy, not realistic at all. I am unhappy with buying a full library of Synchron Strings I, for the whole sake of Synchron Product Lines, please upgrade the content for SyS 1.
I pre-ordered this product without hesitation, but the final product is such a disappointment. My friend who had pre-ordered this product at the same time is now re-selling his SyS 1 because he is completely unhappy about the legato.
To be honest, if we have heard the legato demos, we will not pre-order this product.
Please re-record legato, it sounds too unnatural and too synthy, not realistic at all. I am unhappy with buying a full library of Synchron Strings I, for the whole sake of Synchron Product Lines, please upgrade the content for SyS 1.
I pre-ordered this product without hesitation, but the final product is such a disappointment. My friend who had pre-ordered this product at the same time is now re-selling his SyS 1 because he is completely unhappy about the legato.
To be honest, if we have heard the legato demos, we will not pre-order this product.
Hi HBen,
Thanks for the feedback regarding Synchron Strings 1 Legatos.
I'm going to install the library, and test the Legatos to evaluate them, and post my opinion about them on this forum. I don't doubt your opinion, but feel I have to experience using this library before making any statements regarding the Legatos.
Hi, What are your thoughts about the[b] Legatos of Synchron Strings 1[/b] ? Are you able to produce great sounding, smooth, realistic, and very playable legato phrases ? Thanks. MuziksculpYes. Now go try them yourself. Please. I beg you. Form your own opinion and stop waiting for others to convince you.
Hi Acclarion,
Thanks for the feedback.
That's exactly what I plan to do, and I will post my opinion about the Legatos once I have spent some time playing, and testing the Legato articulations of Synch. Strings 1.
CFX and FX seems to be children raised by another parents. They both sound great.
I am so sad that I pre-ordered Synchron Strings I, I definitely should not do that. If Synchron Strings II continues to sound like SyS I, then I will not buy it. No more pre-orders for VSL products without demos. They've abused my trust on SyS I.
A part of contents in SyS I is totally a failure, it needs big improvements from scratch. Maybe they can do that while making SyS II. I don't know, VSL does not reply to any petition here.
Hi, What are your thoughts about the[b] Legatos of Synchron Strings 1[/b] ? Are you able to produce great sounding, smooth, realistic, and very playable legato phrases ? Thanks. MuziksculpYes. Now go try them yourself. Please. I beg you. Form your own opinion and stop waiting for others to convince you. Hi Acclarion, Thanks for the feedback. That's exactly what I plan to do, and I will post my opinion about the Legatos once I have spent some time playing, and testing the Legato articulations of Synch. Strings 1. Cheers, Muziksculp Sounds good! Hopefully you'll be able to find some value in your purchase, even if, as I do, layer them with another string library. The shorts are very convincing, and the legatos can be blended with orchestral strings, in my case, to create a smoother transition, even if not what we should have to do to achieve the legato we want. Dave