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  • Feature Requests for the Synchron-Player There Even Any Support Dead E Licenser/274368

  • There Even Any Support Dead E Licenser/274368

  • Yes, I spent about 2 months organizing my VSL libraries so that they reflect the same UACC model as Spitfire.  Now I can write a track in a VSL instrument, then copy the MIDI region into a VSL track and it works perfectly.  

  • Hi, 

    You can already automate MONO/POLY Legato, it is a plug-in parameter (simply record the automation in your DAW and you will have the corresponding automation lane right there). 

    The whole structure in Synchron Player is different from the organization in VI/PRO.
    Of course you can create your own presets, which could be controlled any way you like.

    Feel free to send us an example of how you would like your presets to look like. The structure will be easy to replicate for all other instruments. 


    Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support
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    @Paul said:

    You can already automate MONO/POLY Legato, it is a plug-in parameter (simply record the automation in your DAW and you will have the corresponding automation lane right there). 

    Hi Paul,

    Thanks for your input. Would you elaborate a little on the use of MONO/POLY Legato in the context of Synchron Strings I? What will be the advantage of MONO legato (if there is no portamento)?

    I also hae a question on Fast Legato: in the manual for Fast Legato, it says "

    17F VI-14_Leg-Fast-Vib

    Trills/fast legato, with vibrato

    Trills up to 4th, all other intervals legato"

    How do they actually work? Would it be the case: when two notes are held (up to perfect 4th), they will sound as tremolo, and if it's larger than perfect 4th, they will function normally like any other agile legato?

    Thanks in advance.


  • Hi, 

    The advantage of MONO legato is that you are streaming less samples when restricting yourself to monophonic legato lines. 

    I think you mixed up tremolo and trills in your question.... but yes, the Leg_Fast-Vib covers all intervals up to the perfect 4th for a fast note connection, and bigger intervals will use the regular legato. 


    Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support
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    @Another User said:

    I think you mixed up tremolo and trills in your question.... but yes, the Leg_Fast-Vib covers all intervals up to the perfect 4th for a fast note connection, and bigger intervals will use the regular legato. 

    Maybe it's a difference in language. In English, when the interval is bigger than HT/WT, it is often referred to as "tremolo", rather than "trill". ( <- I am not saying Wikipedia is authoratative, but just as reference.

    One more question though: if bigger inervals will use the regular legato. So for larger intervals, there is no "agile" (fast) legato (yet)? Is my understanding correct?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hi, 

    Yes, your understanding is correct. That's also how the fast legato were recorded in our VI collections. 


    Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support
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    @Another User said:


    The whole structure in Synchron Player is different from the organization in VI/PRO.
    Of course you can create your own presets, which could be controlled any way you like.

    Feel free to send us an example of how you would like your presets to look like. The structure will be easy to replicate for all other instruments. 


    I fear this deserves to be explained a bit more precise, to understand, what the UACC-Model of Spitfire has to do with the Display of the CC-Values where a certain Patch or setting changes:

    If you currently chose in VI aswell as in the SyPlayer a Dimension (x or Y in VI, a Dimension Controler in SyPl) to be controled by a CC the Player automatically divide the 127 available Values in even large ranges the more different Patches are choseable the smaller are the ranges for each. That means to be the second in a List of two choosable Patches could be in effect all Values above 64, while to be the second in a list of 10 different Patches will be something between 12 and 24.  All values in a "Dimension" will change in consequence as soon you add another. (My request to at least display the Values where the Selection changes as yoiu already display the Keyswitches should at least help to program without the necessity to always searching the right range with Trial and error. 

    The Question to allow a similar handling like the UACC even goes beyond. Since there certain Types of Articulations have always exactly the same Value (for instance all very Short Articulation no matter if it woulkd be Trumpet, Cello or Clarinet are selected by perhaps Value 64 all Legatos in all Instruments perhaps with the Value 46 and all Tremolo with 96 no matter how much other Articulation-Patches are available for each certain instrument. If ever there are Tremoli they are selected with 96. To program something similar in the Synchronplayer would afford to have very precise and individual controle over the certain Value, or Range of Values assigned to a certain kind of Patches. And as far as I see this would currently be pretty difficult, since the CC's split the Range of Values only dependent from the nummer of available Patchpositions and it is not that easy to find out where this Range or the next one exactly starts.

    In short perhaps it would be worth to consider a more detailed controle on the assignment of CC-Values to select a Position in a Synchronplayer-Position

    (Sorry for being detailed and instructive again, I know you hate that in general, but sometimes it nevertheless might help 😉)