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  • The King is Dead (need opinions on mixing)

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    This is a piece Ive been working on this week for an indie project.

    This is the near finished product, finally got all the panning and natural mixing done, would like thoughts on anything from notation to mixing.

    Only intentional thing missing at this point is, believe it or not, crescendos and decrescendos. Its amazing how just adding and removing instruments provides dynamics by itself.

    The King is Dead

  • Hi littlewierdo,

    you panned piccolo (I think it's piccolo) hard left, imho it attracts too much attention sitting there (maybe move a bit closer to the center?). And the other thing, about stereofield again, is that the instruments enter and leave in such a way that it creates "holes" in the sound picture. Well, maybe they don't leave entirely, just become quiet for some time. For example, between seconds 30 and 35 there are two brass instruments, can't identify them precisely, one is on the right (I guess it's tuba), and the other one is at something like 10-11 o'clock. It just doesn't feel right, maybe these 2 could be closer to each other spatially.

    On the positive side, the piece is alright, does give an appropriate feel, judging by its name. Very appropriate use of percussion. And of course, you'll need to work on the dynamics, as you mentioned, so I wont't continue judging an unifinished product. 

    I'm using headphones, FYI.

  • Ive since centered the panning and Im using the Mirx demo which handles the panning for me :)

    I am currently working with another composer to help fill in some of the empty spots, he is showing me some cool tricks including playing with articulations to make it sound more dynamic. I appreciate the insight and Ill post another version maybe tomorrow when I get some time.

  • PaulP Paul moved this topic from Orchestration & Composition on