If the samples are recorded at fixed gain, why the volume levels in the mixer are all different ? For example, in the "01 Synchron Strings I Standard VE Projects" and "01 Synchron Percussion Standard VE Projects", close mics are at -20 for 1st VI, -23 for 2nd VI, -21 for Violas, -19 for Cellos, and -13.2 for DB, -22 for Celesta, -16 for Glockenspiel... (other mics are "inconsistent" too).
Shouldn't they have the same level for each mic ???? Either I don't understand something (and I'm very open to learn !), either I consider that the fixed gain - which is a major reason why I purchased Synchron Strings - is a joke and I would be very disappointed... Maybe I will be told that these things are mixes of multiples mics, and that each instrument mix is consistent with the others, but if that's the case, it's very painful to see/feel what is the "right" volume of the instrument. I didn't expect a so high level of complexity....
And why volumes are not consistent between VE Projects and VI presets ? For example, for the Stereo mixes of the Celesta, we have the mic volumes at -22, -19, -10, -19 in the VE Project, and -25, -22, -10, -22 in the VI preset... Disturbing.
One other disturbing thing, why in the stereo mixes the Main-C is muted for 1st VI and Cellos ??