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  • Audio Engine is off during startup


    Up to now, the normal behavoir of launching VEPRO 6 Server was with Audio Engine on. Samples would load automatically.

    Now for whatever reason, when I launch VEPRO 6 Server, the Audio Engine is off and samples won't load until I turn it back on.

    I there a way to get this to work normally again?? Thanks!!

  • Hi Adiaz, 

    When did this change, do you remember?

    Also, which OS are you working on?


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • It just changed after I saved the “default” file. When I reopened I found that the instance was not saved with the vesp file so I had to re-do every thing from scratch. From that point, I now need to activate the engine each time I relaunch VEPro. Tried saving but it doesn’t save with the engine set to “on”. Mac OS 10.9.5. I’m using VEPro 6 on same computer as DAW Pro Tools HD 10.3.10. I believe the version of VEPro 6 is the last version compatible with this. Thanks in advance!

  • Hi Adiaz,

    Unless VE Pro Server is connected to a VE Pro plug-in in your DAW, its audio engine will always be disabled after launch of the application - this is by design and has always been like this...

    Would you mind sending us a zipped copy of such a (very simple!) VE Pro Server project, along with its associated PT session, which illustrates your issue, to, so we can check wether everything is fine with your template?

    Best, Marnix

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    @marnix said:

    Hi Adiaz,

    Unless VE Pro Server is connected to a VE Pro plug-in in your DAW, its audio engine will always be disabled after launch of the application - this is by design and has always been like this...

    Would you mind sending us a zipped copy of such a (very simple!) VE Pro Server project, along with its associated PT session, which illustrates your issue, to, so we can check wether everything is fine with your template?

    Best, Marnix

    If that’s the way it’s supposed to function then I assume it’s fine. I just seem to remember that when I launch VEPro Server prior to Pro Tools, that the loaded VI would start loading it’s audio file. I went ahead and deleted the vesp files from my Documents and Library folder and re-created everything but the behavior is the same so I’ll take this as normal. Thank you for your assistance!