Are you suggesting like on an actual acoustic piano, when a chord is hold and then the damper is depressed, due the release of the damper on all the strings, the overall sound should become more resonant (?)
In fact, some hybrid pianos (same brand as the CFX) are implemented with such feature called VRM (Virtual Resonance Modeling) technology (“Since instantaneous resonance is made at the moment according to the state of the keyboard or pedal, you can vary the sound expressively by changing the timing of your pressing the keys, and the timing and depth of your pressing the pedal”.)
The modeling has two parameters:
Damper Resonance Depth (adjust how much damper resonance is included in the modeling when the damper is pressed), and String Resonance Depth (adjust how much string resonance in the modeling when a key is pressed).
It will be phenomenal if Synchron Piano would have a similar feature!!!