I would like to switch from Cubase back to LPX, but I have some problems with the articulation switching system in LPX and my extensive collection of VSL libs.
I have managed to re-program all my VSL libs so that the key switch AND key switch velocity selects the the right cell, so the limited LPX system can manage that. But I have a problem with LPX sending key switches when I add the CC1, that I use for volume/XFade velocity.
Looking at the VSL matrix during a play-back shows a constant flickering between the articulation that plays, and the default articulation, that often are the first in the matrix. Somehow it's completely insane that CC1's sends a articulation id/key switch, but until Apple get that straight what can I do?
How do you managed this?
Is it a problem that the VSL player are so "busy"?
How do you manage this?
Any help much appreciated!