I've been experiment with choir, and after testing the various libraries at my disposal I ended up using the VSL Choir, being the one most suitable to the music genre I'm composing for.
I tested the sustain/legato articulations and the velocity/expression abilities of the choir in a late-Renaissance piece for five voices. The author is the quite unrecognized Hieronymus Praetorius, a composer from Hamburg of great talent, but much less known than his nearly homonym Michael.
The piece has not many dynamic variations, nor tempo changes. I can focus on a few things I must learn. At the same time, one has to work on the finer details on tempo microvariations and dynamic accents to make the intricate lines come out. I don't know if I succeeded in achieving this goal. Do you have other precious hints for me?
EDIT: File replaced with a faster one (80bmp instead of 70).