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  • VE Pro 6 Trial


    I am running the VE Pro6 trial, and have managed to route two instances of woodwinds - 1 VSL SE, 1 Garriton - into Cubase. I'm still hazy on how I would finish the template, but I've just aquired a second computer (a second old Mac) and now I want to try running VEPro across ethernet for the first time.

    Before starting, I watched the Set Up and Routing video once again. I believe it says "open VE Pro Server on both Master and Slave" that right? Does the Server need to be opened on both?

    And even if it is just the VEPro to be run on the DAW machine, how do I run it without a licence? Is it possible to trial this?

    I do have a second Steinberg key, with my Cubase licence on, in the DAW machine.

    Thanks for any advice, (and thanks to the Support Team for numerous support/training emails to get me this far)


  • Update- Trial licens on dongle in slave (only), ran VEPS on slave, opened VEPS project with several instances, all coupled as I have not yet explored decoupling.

    then on Master I opened my Cubase project with the VEP plug ins in.

    Ethernet cable from each machine to Netgear switch, VEP and VEPS installed on both computers. Cubase showed VEP service interface windows, I believe they are called, for each instance. Pressed connect on each and the project played. 

  • Update, and some notes that might be useful for another novice, including myself if I forget:))): though there are few novices active in this forum, there must be others like me who struggle along to set things up, relying on what information they can glean from googling. I must have found my way to this forum a hundred times by googling, and if the info below was here, I didn't see it- or didn't understand it:).  If this is confusing, misleading or a waste of space, feel free to remove it.

    Thanks to my Vienna Pro 6 Trial I eventually completed a template of 12 VEP instances, each loaded with 6-16 stereo instruments, each with an individual output and routed to/from an individual MIDI track in Cubase Elements 8.

    I am amazed how well it is performing so far, and plan to buy it very soon.

    In my Cubase project I have about 240 tracks - nearly half of them the automatically-created VST Instrument audio outputs I suppose.

    In Cubase Elements I'm limited to 64 MIDI tracks, which is more than enough for anything I'm likely to write, but if I want to try an instrument not currently routed to a track, I will have reroute a track to it.

    I have these MIDI tracks in Folders, grouped (mostly) by Orchestra section. Initially I made a folder within each section, for each Library (mostly GPO, HSO and VSL).  I also created about 6 audio tracks, some folders, and 5 Group Channels to cover all the output.

    In the Instances I put all the instruments I'm likely to want to use or try within a group (eg Woodwinds High), then routed each track to a likely choice for that purpose..

    After lots of confusion, trial and error, I eventually found it surprisingly easy to route all the tracks in Cubase one after another, once all the instances had been created, loaded and colour-coded in a safely-saved VEPServer Project.

    In Cubase:

    -All instances preserved, connected and coupled

    1. Select track folder, look in Inspector window and down-arrow to move to first track in the folder

    2. Click on "View instrument" button on VST Instrument slot for the matching VST Instrument  

    In the Cubase project, the VEP window for that VST instrument opens (the colour coding is reassuring) and in VEP the Instance opens. In VEP Instance, find the instrument you want to the track route to, read the port number - the left of the two little numbers side by side. (Don't laugh, this took me ages to figure out, as the second number - the Channel - is irrelevant in stereo or montimbral instruments, I think? Anway, I ended up setting them all to "All" -easiest and most flexible in case of using multichannel MIDI tracks, or Instrument outputs, in the future

    -In Cubase, select the matching MIDI input, and if necessary set channel.

    I found it quickest to set all the Cubase midi track output CHANNELS (not ports)  to "Any", all at once in the Mixer, using a keyboard shortcut. At the same time, in the Cubase Mixer, I set all the VST Outputs, instrument group by instrument group, to their Group channels. THIS WAS ONLY POSSIBLE once I had figured out how to rename the VST Instrument Output channel for each Instance, so I could identify each group of output tracks for routing to the correct Group Channel. Sometimes I could rename the track folder while creating and renaming the VST Instrument slot, but not always. I didn't find the answer in googling, just a lot of people wanting to be able to do it. I stumbled on a reliable solution eventually, (the feature was probably added at some stage?) so here it is, for Cubase Elements 8 at least:

    -View the Inspector for the VST Instrument FOLDER. At the top of the window, the folder name is in a little window. Click on this till it highlights, then type your Instance name in there.

  • Hi Jenny -

    Quick question - did your demo for Ensemble Pro come with 3 activations/licenses or just 1? When I signed up for the demo yesterday I only had one activation so could only install on my PC (and not to both my Mac and PC like I assumed I would be able to do). 

    Thanks and glad to hear it's working for you!

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    @jbuttle63 said:

    did your demo for Ensemble Pro come with 3 activations/licenses or just 1? When I signed up for the demo yesterday I only had one activation so could only install on my PC (and not to both my Mac and PC like I assumed I would be able to do). 

    Thanks and glad to hear it's working for you!

    Just one. I think I read somewhere once that that would be the case, but couldn't find that post again.

    Good luck!

  • Thanks - I didn't see anywhere that the demo only includes one license. I wish they had made that clear - it would have saved me a lot of frustration. 

  • For other potential buyers, I just wanted to leave a comment that VEPro exceeded my expectations in workflow value and performance.

    The way it tabs. and automatically shows/hides the instances. means I no longer have multiple plug-in GUIs popping up wherever I left them, I don't have to keep deciding whether I want these GUIs left open, and where to put them. It has been, in the end, very easy, (once I learned how to use VEP, which was touch-and-go for a while for me, but VSL Support were very prompt and attentive and - well, supportive!) to build and use an orchestral template.

    I'm running the whole thing with no disabled or frozen tracks or instances at present, mainly in playback only, with no CPU/dropout warnings as long as I don't use HSSE (Halion free-with-Cubase synth player) as a plug in Cubase; HSSE for some reason seems to be problematic in El Capitan. Halion Symphonic Orchestra (HSO) in VEPro is fine; as I don't have Halion (the full synth/sample player) I have 16 instances of HSO in an instance - I find it's actually easier to see and control them like this in VEPro, than in a multitimbral player like HSSE.

    I'm not evaluating sound (latency or dropouts/crackles) yet as I'm still playing with set up. But I haven't heard or seen signs of disruption yet.

    At last I can effortlessly play around with alternative instruments.

    On a 2009 iMac running El Capitan, SSD, 8GB RAM, and a 2012 MacMini with 16GB RAM.

    Only having a single licence in the trial was not a problem for me as I had no need to add VEP as a plug in in Cubase, and only have 1 slave. I suppose I could have used my Vienna ensemble, moved to a different dongle, if I needed to use VE in the DAW itself simultaneously with VEP on the slave.

    I already had an ethernet hub in the room, so the additional outlay to set up a slave and VEPro was:

    -1 cast-off computer with resale value of $200-300

    - 1 5CatE ethernet cable, $4.95

    -Synergy Symless keyboard-and-mouse-switching software, so a single keyboard and mouse move between both computer displays as if they were the same computer - $19 approx

    NB As recommended in Manual, I did Inactivate ASIO Guard for all VSL plugins in Cubase Plugin manager.

  • Update- I had to abandon synergy keyboard sharing software due to crashes. Thanks to VSL Support for the suggestion to use Mac Screen Sharing, I've finished my template without further difficulty. To my surprise I ended up with 370 tracks, including about 150 VEPRO channels over 15 instances, and am now experimenting to find the best configurations for CPU use and the quickest way to disablie multiple channels.

  • Hi Jenny!

    I saw you used GPO (me too) and wonder if you have managed
    to get multi out from GPO(Ariaplayer) in VEP.  If so - how?
    I can only get 1/2 out from my GPO-multi.


  • Hi Thomas, good to hear from a fellow GPO user!

    VSL support confirmed for me that it is not possible to get Multi output from Aria in VEPRO, so I ended up using eg 15-20  stereo Aria instruments in a single VEPRO instance. Clunky, but that way each instrument still gets an individual audio output in the DAW

    I don't know if it would be better to use one multi copied into each VEPro channel and direct different DAW tracks to different channels in the multi, I have just succeeded in doing that in  HSSE and it makes choosing a different instrument possible from the DAW by changing channels. I might try it (again) with GPO.


  • Ouch!

    Sad to hear no multi in GPO....ok, I got a tips from another GPO-user to use a free plugin called Sforzando instead of Ariaplayer multi. The Sforzando just take one instrument and supports GPO-library (same developer as Ariaplayer). I guess it takes less resources than multi AriaPlayers(multi), but its a lot loading plugins in the beginning (thank you Lord for templates!).

    But...after thinking a bit....your solution with many instrument loaded in one AriaPlayer and using MIDI-channel to select them maybe is a better solution. That way I can load 16 different flutes in one AriaPlayer and select which to use by selecting MIDI-channel.....hmmm. 

    Hmmmm again, I am not sure, but maybe Sforzando can change instrument by programchanges?
    Looks like its going to be a lot testing to do this weekend! :-)


  • I'd love to hear what you learn, both about szorzando (I haven't used that player but I have a few free szorzando sounds available in Aria I think) and about the multi-channel input/stereo output GPO set up.

    Have a successful weekend! 

    btw, its not as bad as it sounds having eg 20 instances of Aria Stereo in 1 VEP instance - you can load Aria in 1 channel, then copy the channel x 20... and in some ways its simpler seeing the name of the instrument as the only instrument when you click on each channel. I will be interested to hear what you find though, both performance wise and whether it is then possible/easy to change that instance channel to a different instrument from within the DAW. I did manage it with HSSE by leaving the VEP channel on Any, and changing the cubase channel as needed.. but am not sure if it was "the right thing to do"..HSSE (a few Choirs) got unresponsive for a while but it may have been because I was using the same samples in a few channels. Once I auditioned using different notes it seemed to work.

    This may all be obvious to you but it's all new and challenging to always, any input would be very welcome.


    Edit again...aaagh I am forgetting, you have to add the instrument each time in the stereo Arias...that WAS a pain, using multis would be so much better!