Do any other users have any interest in setting up some sort of forum thread, blog, email list, or otherwise that sources various techniques for capturing realistic performances of popular classical works reimagined by the Synchron library?
I've been watching old Karajan and Bernstein rehearsals, paying close attention to their notes to the string sections.. there liberal use of the word "legato," shaping accents, changing character, etc.
To my ear, much of the shaping of string parts has to do with a clear compositional vision, as well as clear vision from the conductor.
To my knowledge, no such sourcing exists, and I would be happy to help organize.
I discovered VSL because I booked my first film job two years ago with zero experience. While troubling-shooting a newbie problem, I unwittingly stumbled upon this sewer known as the "VI-control forum" where people endlessly debate and name call, which I hope I never have to revisit again. 😛 VSL has a very scientific and disciplined approach to sampling/creating tools for composers and this "crowd source" I think should be governed by a similar philosophy: solutions for musical ideas rooted in patch choices, CC automation, library blending, et al.