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  • RAM footprint of disabled channels


    I’m currently redoing my orchestral template in VEPRO 6 (and MIR), and I wanted to have almost all my virtual instruments present, mostly disabled, so I just have to enable the instruments I want for each project.

    But I realized that a disabled channel still has a high RAM footprint. It’s difficult to measure, I tried to disable my whole VSL orchestra and it saved me only the half of the RAM, for some Kontakt instruments it seems to work well (samples almost entirely purged), for other it seems it doesn’t work at all.

    In short, after testing it, my solution is unusable as it overloads my available RAM.

     My questions :

    • What does exactly the disabling feature ? Are the MIR samples unloaded too ?

    •           Is there a different behaviour between VSL instruments and other instruments (specially Kontakt) ?

    •           Is there a way to do what I wanted to achieve ? (other than the Channel set which looses the setting of the Output…)

    Thanks for your help,


     (Windows 10, Cubase 7.5, VE Pro 6, MIR Pro, 32Go RAM)

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    @matthieu.lechowski said:

     My questions :

    • What does exactly the disabling feature ? Are the MIR samples unloaded too ?

    •           Is there a different behaviour between VSL instruments and other instruments (specially Kontakt) ?

    •           Is there a way to do what I wanted to achieve ? (other than the Channel set which looses the setting of the Output…)

    1) It unloads all samples, of the instrument. MIR PRO IR Samples are not unloaded. 

    2) Not to my knowledge

    3) I'd work with disabled cells and use "Enable Cells on MIDI Activity" in the VI PRO Settings. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi Matthieu,

    if you think that MIR Pro's impulse responses use too much RAM, you can always reduce its IR cache size. The only disadvantage of doing so is that the positional IR-prerendering might take a bit longer when you add a new Instrument or move an Icon on a MIR stage.


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • PS:


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Thank you Paul and Dietz.