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  • LOGIC 10.4 now includes Articulation change


    At long last Logic is having build in Articulation Change 

    Downloading 10.4

    Let's see your commments

    MacBook Pro M3 MAX 128 GB 8TB - 2 x 48" - 1 x 27" screen --- Logic Pro --- Mir Pro 3D Dolby Atmos --- Most of the VI libs, a few Synch... libs --- Quite a few Kontakt libs --- CS80 fanatic
  • Hello Cyril,

    Thanks for the report: release notes are here:

    I have to test it soon :)


    Gil (a french from Paris too/un français de Paris aussi ;-))

  • Hello

    I have remove the whole list ! Did not see the above post ;)

    MacBook Pro M3 MAX 128 GB 8TB - 2 x 48" - 1 x 27" screen --- Logic Pro --- Mir Pro 3D Dolby Atmos --- Most of the VI libs, a few Synch... libs --- Quite a few Kontakt libs --- CS80 fanatic
  • Hello

    I am on the road about 4 month in a year ;  I want to leave my dongle in the studio.  

    So the idea is to build an orchestral template that can use VSL or the Logic new instruments ; this with just a click


     I dont know yet if it is possible as I have not find the manual yet of the 10.4 add on


    Andy :

    - Are you preparing the files for the Articulation Changes of VSL in Logic ?

    - The list of articulation seems quite limited, do you know if we can add more articulation ?




    MacBook Pro M3 MAX 128 GB 8TB - 2 x 48" - 1 x 27" screen --- Logic Pro --- Mir Pro 3D Dolby Atmos --- Most of the VI libs, a few Synch... libs --- Quite a few Kontakt libs --- CS80 fanatic
  • You can add your own articulation sets. Unfortunately, Logic only sends a single message for each articulation, so you can't bundle two messages to select a matrix cell. More than ever, we need a way to associate a unique CC value to each cell. Paolo

  • Maybe there is a workaround. If I’m not wrong, Logic can send a keyswitch with a particular velocity value or velocity range. Vienna Player can use the Keyswitch Velocity to select a row on the Y-Axis. So, maybe the single Note On + Velocity message can select a matrix cell. Paolo

  • Hello Paolo

    I have been looking without any success for the manual of the add ons of the 10.4, did you find it ?




    MacBook Pro M3 MAX 128 GB 8TB - 2 x 48" - 1 x 27" screen --- Logic Pro --- Mir Pro 3D Dolby Atmos --- Most of the VI libs, a few Synch... libs --- Quite a few Kontakt libs --- CS80 fanatic
  • Hi guys, 

    Yep, interesting news indeed. We will be looking into this right after NAMM Show!


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Cyril, it seems Apple is gradually updating the online Help.

    As for the articulation switch using KS + KS Velocity – IT WORKS!

    I just have to reprogram my orchestral template… 8-O


  • Apparently you can define many parameters for an articulation number

    Did you find the part explaining the articulation changes

    What is bothering me is the limitation in the symbols see picture


    MacBook Pro M3 MAX 128 GB 8TB - 2 x 48" - 1 x 27" screen --- Logic Pro --- Mir Pro 3D Dolby Atmos --- Most of the VI libs, a few Synch... libs --- Quite a few Kontakt libs --- CS80 fanatic
  • I'm experimenting with the new Logic. It's an incredible upgrade. The Score, however, is still very basic.

    As for the lack of symbols, there is nothing one can do for the articulation representation. However, I've started using a trick to add the missing symbols: create a Symbols text style, and use it to add music symbols from the Mac Emoj and Symbols palette. It is not all that different than what you do with a dedicated notation program.



  • It is very strange that we cannot add more symbols as a lot of majors ones are missing

    I had a look into Dorico and I have found a list ( see attachements)

    What is missing in Dorico is to add your own Articulation 






    MacBook Pro M3 MAX 128 GB 8TB - 2 x 48" - 1 x 27" screen --- Logic Pro --- Mir Pro 3D Dolby Atmos --- Most of the VI libs, a few Synch... libs --- Quite a few Kontakt libs --- CS80 fanatic
  • For info, Art Conductor for Logic Pro X 10.4 Articulation Sets has been released (although it doesn't include VSL):

  • This is wrong.

    You can set your VSL Instrument to respond as this: X axis = Keys, Y axis = KeySwitch velocity. This works with 10.4.

    Now you can use CC1 for VelocityCrossfade ;-)

    Sorry this was already suggested!

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    @GilP said:

    For info, Art Conductor for Logic Pro X 10.4 Articulation Sets has been released (although it doesn't include VSL):


    Can you see the all articulations in the score ?

    MacBook Pro M3 MAX 128 GB 8TB - 2 x 48" - 1 x 27" screen --- Logic Pro --- Mir Pro 3D Dolby Atmos --- Most of the VI libs, a few Synch... libs --- Quite a few Kontakt libs --- CS80 fanatic
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    @Cyril Blanc said:

    It is very strange that we cannot add more symbols as a lot of majors ones are missing
    Not so much. The score part of Logic (once Notator Logic) has been abandoned for years, in favor of a competition with Pro Tools. Apple has started developing again the notation part in the latest years, but in the meantime it has fallen a lot behind dedicated notation programs. Paolo

  • Is the new Logic articulation able to control VSL by combining note plus mod wheel or do we have to reprogram everything to work with velocity? I don't like the idea of having to use velocity, it does not seem the best way to do it.

  • Hello

    The manual is not yet availlable !

    But It looks like you can define many events for an articulation (As I am on the road I cannot check this)

    I was able to define two actions for an articulation number

    MacBook Pro M3 MAX 128 GB 8TB - 2 x 48" - 1 x 27" screen --- Logic Pro --- Mir Pro 3D Dolby Atmos --- Most of the VI libs, a few Synch... libs --- Quite a few Kontakt libs --- CS80 fanatic
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    @Andrew James Reynolds said:

    Is the new Logic articulation able to control VSL by combining note plus mod wheel or do we have to reprogram everything to work with velocity?

    As it is working now, it only allows a MIDI message with the associated values. Among the other types, it can be a Control Change with the corresponding value, or a Note On with the associated Velocity value.

    I find the Note On + Velocity bundle interesting, because a single message can select two parameters in VI PRO. For the way I reprogram the factory matrices, using a single universal articulation map, it may also speed programming a bit.


  • Paolo :

    Did you try to put two events with the same articulation number ?

    MacBook Pro M3 MAX 128 GB 8TB - 2 x 48" - 1 x 27" screen --- Logic Pro --- Mir Pro 3D Dolby Atmos --- Most of the VI libs, a few Synch... libs --- Quite a few Kontakt libs --- CS80 fanatic