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  • Another solution sending a note and a CC1 value


  • I have found the Manuel, it is in the Ebook, and if you have download an old version, you must UPDATE manually.

    It is not done automaticaly ! in the Ebook header you must press the arrow down key and select the book you want to update. (all this time spend for nothing !!!)

    In the eBook I have not found any indication on how to add more articulation symbol, neither to have multiples event on an Articulation

  • I upgraded to Logic 10.4 - for some reason the VSL plugin is not being recognized on my main computer after upgrading - anyone else experience this? (slaves have elicenser usb keys, main computer does not)  

  • If you want to load VSL AU on the Main Computer you need an eLicencer key with VEPRO and VI PRO license

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    Hi Paul

    It' looks like that in 10.4 the support of articulation if VERY basic

    - You cannot send multiple commands for an articulation, you must use the Environnement to do this

    - Symbol list is limited to 31 articulations for all the instruments --> no Pizz !!!!! incredible but true


    i have tried to find the list file of the articulation symbol list ! no luck 

    I have post on the develloper list ! no answer !

    Do you have any contact with Logic devellopers ?




    @Paul said:

    Hi guys, 

    Yep, interesting news indeed. We will be looking into this right after NAMM Show!


  • I had my own VSL templates using keyswitch vel for the y-axis for long, so setting up an articulation set that uses them was very simple.

    I do not care too much about score symbols within logic, but being able to choose the articulation directly within logic by choosing the articulation name from a drop down menu is quite an improvement over having to insert keyswitches manually, let alone remembering them all.



    Logic seems to send the articulation information (ie: keyswitch) along with every midi note. There seems to be no intelligent algorithm that checks if the ID is different from the one that was played before.

    I wonder if this is somehow affecting the midi performance, as each noteOn event now consists effectively of two midi messages.

  • Hello PaoloT

    I have been starting to modify my Environment to use Articulation Changes

    I am getting weird result !

    I have creat an Instrument, a Multi-Instrument and a software instrument, I have assign an Articulation Table (tried with Logic's Violin and with a new one forVSL)

    In my test I play a single D3, some times the note is played twice, some times it play the articulation note, sometimes not. It is not at all relayable !!!

    Are you experimenting this kind of problem  ? 




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    Any other Libary based on Kontak5 works with Logic´s new keyswitch, only VSL not ! Even Logic´s Libary make it easier to work with keyswitching then VSL ! ðŸ‘Ž

    Why the VIENA Support don´t give a answer or a Update for this problem with Articulation-Set ? 

  • You can define your own Key-switches

    I have solve the problems I spoke before

  • Cyril, I'm not sure why you are introducing an additional layer of complexity with the environment. Couldn't you just use something like the Note On + Keyswitch Velocity combo to select articulations? Paolo

  • I have not find a way to send the X and the Y of the different Mtraix

    I convert the velocity of the Articulation to give the 2nd value
    I use the best preset for each instrument

  • Hi Cyril, but isn't it easier to edit the VI's preset? You can then save everything into a template. Paolo

  • Paolo :

    The advantage is that if VSL is improving there preset, you just download them. With VI PRO there are quite a number of parameters !

    If you need to modify all VSL preset it is a 6 months work and you will multiply by 4 the number of instruments. Also you will need much more memory !

    The Environnement is very simple ! and you can fix the CC 7 and pan problem

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    @PaoloT said:

    Hi Cyril, but isn't it easier to edit the VI's preset? You can then save everything into a template.


    Yes, it´s easier and saves RAM-memory to work with the own articulations/own preset. And only to do is spend 6 sek. to clear the other articulations that you don´t need.

    The environnement is a sulotions for you that i don´t wanna use ! Because i never work with environnement in Logic and i´m musican and not engiener for electronics. I need a smart way to work with this, like Logic´s "Studio Strings" only load a preset for articulations-keyswitching.

    With other sample libarys it works too…

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    @PaoloT said:

    Hi Cyril, but isn't it easier to edit the VI's preset? You can then save everything into a template.


    Yes, it´s easier and saves RAM-memory to work with the own articulations/own preset. And only to do is spend 6 sek. to clear the other articulations that you don´t need.

    The environnement is a sulotions for you that i don´t wanna use ! Because i never work with environnement in Logic and i´m musican and not engiener for electronics. I need a smart way to work with this, like Logic´s "Studio Strings" only load a preset for articulations-keyswitching.

    With other sample libarys it works too…

    The problem is the limitation of the X axis !! 

    If you use Dimension you need the Z axis

    If Logic could handle no limitation on the number of cell and axis it will be great, but it is not for TODAY

    For Violin the Y axis is CC 1 for the Brass is from C6 to E6 and from C7 to E7

    For the Winds it is CC 1 1 and CC 1 127

  • I understand I'm following a different workflow. I've decided to make my own presets anyway, so I would have to edit them in any case. What I do is trying to have:

    - a single, universal articulation map for all the instrument, by moving all keyswitches out of any instrument's range (my X-axis starts at the lowest C in the MIDI range);

    - the lightest basic preset, to be integrated with additional articulations, prerecorded dynamics and runs only when needed.

    So, what is offered today by Logic and slightly modified 'basic' VSL matrices is enough for me. But I don't use Dimension Strings, so maybe I can't see the problem with more recent libraries.


  • Sorry folks if I ask a dumb question: how can I use Keyswitch velocity for the Y-Axis? If I select "Velocity" the VSL uses the Velocity of the note being played and _not_ of the Keyswitch note.

    Am I missing something?


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    @brad12majors said:

    Sorry folks if I ask a dumb question: how can I use Keyswitch velocity for the Y-Axis? If I select "Velocity" the VSL uses the Velocity of the note being played and _not_ of the Keyswitch note.

    Am I missing something?


    You can do that in the environnement :

    You test if it is  a keyshift 

    If yes you make a transformer that will convert the velocity value to a CC 1 0, or CC 1 50 or CC 1 127

    If you cannot manage, send me a PM with yor email I will send you screen copies

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    @Cyril Blanc said:

    You can do that in the environnement :

    You test if it is  a keyshift 

    If yes you make a transformer that will convert the velocity value to a CC 1 0, or CC 1 50 or CC 1 127

    If you cannot manage, send me a PM with yor email I will send you screen copies

    Ah, thanks! That's sounds not too difficult.

    But then you'd need a different environment for every keysswitch octave?

  • hi, has anyone tried ArtzID 2.0 ?
    Does it anyhow do what s asked and discussed here? Seems same issue with VSL Instruments ...
    I ve been tryin last 2 days, not working so far. bummer