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  • Which notation software best with VSL?

    Dear Colleagues - 

    Forgive the likely redundant post; I could not find a recent answer to this question - please feel free to point me to an answer that I am ignorant of. 

    I am a hobbyist without a lot of time for making music.  I own Dorico, Notion, Sibelius, latest versions.  If using VSL is my primary goal, and I want to make full use of the software (articulations, etc.), which is the best package for me to really invest my time in getting good at?  Ease of use for note entry/composing on the score is my other priority. 

    Sibelius - feels like there isn't a lot of support for controlling expression, etc.

    Dorico - from reviews and posts, clumsy and not VSL ready, at least,  not ready for VSL to make a soundset...

    Notion - not a lot of talk on this one on the forms - but a nice recent implementation with Synchron made me wonder if I should dust that one off?  

    And of course, I own Cubase.  Unfortunately Logic went away (from PC) when Mac bought them...

    Thanks for your help, 


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    I was the one that posted the implementation of Synchron Strings with Notion that you refer to. I record all my work in Notion and I use VSL as well as many other libaries. I can't say enough positive things about it.

    You can hear samples of my work (no DAW involved) here:

    Many will react negatively before listening just because I made the statement that no DAW is involved. I think my work stands for itself nicely!

    By the way, I'm the first to admit that Notion doesn't engrave as nicely as F or S, but it PLAYS a lot easier and more naturally!


  • VSL flute has roughly 90 articulations.   Good luck using them.  Most notation software will use about a dozen articulations.  Cubase with their expression maps use about a dozen, any more and it is unreadable.  The rest of the articulations....well good luck.  VSL should be making notation software, but will never happen.    There is a dire need of better notation software with virtual instruments, the problem is, no one wants to build it.

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    @SonicSonar said:

    VSL flute has roughly 90 articulations.   Good luck using them.  Most notation software will use about a dozen articulations.  Cubase with their expression maps use about a dozen, any more and it is unreadable.  The rest of the articulations....well good luck.  VSL should be making notation software, but will never happen.    There is a dire need of better notation software with virtual instruments, the problem is, no one wants to build it.

    I agree, I had high hopes for Overture, but it's pretty rough still in an initial public beta stage.  Dorico is the same.

    I'm a huge proponent of the Universal Articulation Control Change (UACC) system as developed (and shared with the industry) by Spitfire.  It's a universal articulation change approach, like MIDI for instrument articulations.  Unfortunate that more library manufacturers don't get on board with this system.

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    @fanagiga said:

    Dorico - from reviews and posts, clumsy and not VSL ready, at least,  not ready for VSL to make a soundset...

    You can use Cubase Expression Maps, you can import those Cubase Maps and you can also make and edit  in Dorico your Expression Map

    This is my next task to do ;o)

    MacBook Pro M3 MAX 128 GB 8TB - 2 x 48" - 1 x 27" screen --- Logic Pro --- Mir Pro 3D Dolby Atmos --- Most of the VI libs, a few Synch... libs --- Quite a few Kontakt libs --- CS80 fanatic
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  • ErisnoE Erisno moved this topic from Notation Programs & Vienna on
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  • ErisnoE Erisno moved this topic from Notation Programs & Vienna on