I'm getting started with the synchron strings presets, and I LOVE the ability to synchronize the Control map and REal-Time Control areas! AWESOME!! IS it possible to do the same thing with the matrix control area? Or at the very least give it copy/paste functionality?
I have taken a lot of time to setup my x & y to be triggered by midi CC's, which I then setup midi controller's buttons to send very specific midi CC values on my keyboard. I.e. button 1 sends CC85 value1 = x1, Button 2 send CC85 value 10=x2, value 20=x3, etc. If I were to load a synchron preset for example, I now I have to go in and not only manually change the midi CC that triggers the matrix on the x axis (which isn't that hard to do manually) but now I also have to manually adjust the spacing of each line to correspond with my midi controller.
I can understand why you wouldn't necessarily want to synchronize the amount of matrix between VI instances as some instances might only need a 3x3, but even if I need only 6 matrixes I still load my default 12x12 so all my midi buttons are still mapped correctly. I've been manually doing this with the VI pro presets, but being able to copy/paste these settings would be very helpful IMO.