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  • VSL Multiband Pro VST3 - ctrl-click to delete attack node crashes Cubase

    With the Multiband Limiter Pro (VST3) set to manual, using ctrl-click to delete a node in the attack envelope will consistently cause a "serious error" and crash dump in Cubase 9.5.  It does not completely crash Cubase, or even stop playback.  This is contained error within Cubase that does not affect operation.  These errors can corrupt a project, though it doesn't seem likely in this case.  This is the demo version of Vienna Suite Pro, and a test project. 

    The VST2 version does not create a crash when deleting attack envelope nodes. 

  • Hi Dterry,

    sorry to hear that you're facing problems again. I tried to reproduce the issue, but I didn't experience a single glitch, neither using the VST3 nor the VST2 version. Would you mind to tell us the version-number of Vienna Suite Pro you 're using, please (... still under Windows 8.1, I assume ...?). 

    Thanks in advance,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Hi Dietz,

    Yes, Windows 8.1.  Multiband Pro is version 2.0. 

    This seems to be an isolated occurence.  I could not reproduce it in either Nuendo 7 or a blank project in Cubase 9.5. The crash was in a copy of a score mastering project I have been using to test Suite Pro.  I will send the crash dump to Steinberg and see what they say.  It may be related to something else in Cubase 9.5.

    Overall, these plugins are excellent, and very stable (ASIO load is very stable with multiple instances, which is always a good sign).   I plan to upgrade to Pro at some point. 

  • Hi, 

    Thanks for the update! 

    You should definitely give Vienna Suite PRO a try... just being able to resize the plug-ins is a great add-on!


    Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support