I will offer a comparsion between the "old" Libraries and the Synchron Strings as soon as possible.
With this starting thread I'm going to post the two pieces which I will use for the comparison.
The first piece is the famous arrangement for string orchestra of the E-Partita from Mangiagalli. It only contains staccatos, sforzatos, détaché and other short articulations. I tried to take full advantage of the whole dynamic range. I also prepared the down strokes always a bit louder than the upstrokes. I hope that I will get back a very natural performance with the Synchrons.
This is what the "old" string libraries* can do: E-Partita (Score below as attachment zipped-pdf)
The second piece is the AIR on a G-String – a bit arranged by myself. As you can hear I manly have the legato articulation in use. I tried to use the whole dynamic-range with the X-velocity. Maybe sometimes a bit overdone but I am keen on the result with the Synchrons.
This is what the "old" string libraries* can do: Air on a G-String
*Used Libraries
For both pieces I used a mix between the Appassionatas, the Orchestra-, the Chamber- and the Solo- Strings. I believe this ended in a compatible “film-orchestra-string-sound” which can be compared later on with the one of the synchron strings.
I used the EQ only for low cuts and high cuts (no sound design). For panning I only used the balance poti of Cubase (no stereo narrowing etc). As reverb: Only a bit of an Algo, a bit longer decay for the Air a bit shorter decay for the E-Partita but no extra-depth. Some small Mastering for getting an even better sound. That’s it.
Even if we have a big part of the libraries I will wait for the new Synchron Player so that I will be able for getting out the most possible quality of the Synchron Strings
Have fun – and as probably you I am looking forward to the new library and the new player
- Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/vitutorials/ - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra": https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/mixing-an-orchestra/