This is a very interesting thread. I don't have too much to add except to say that when I was in college it was poplular to accuse JW of plagarism and point out all the various themes and such that he "stole". So for a long time that shaped my opinion of him. However some years later when I decided to think for myself I came across his concert music and realized immediately that his music is his music.
@William I also love Korngold and Hermann. I appreciate other movie composers of that era like Waxman and Rozsa too.
I was thinking, its not easy to "steal" like Williams. If someone argues that JW steals from other composers, my question to that person will be, can you do the same? write a score like the Star wars or E.T. on the piano, transcribe it by hand including every detail in orchestration? Only a handlful of film composers could do that in the history of film music. Let alone his concert works which reveal complete mastery of 20th century music including Jazz...he was a jazz pianist during the 50s for cryin out loud!
I realized that people say bad things about JW either out of pure jealosy or ignorance. Usually these are either jealous academics or ignorant fans of Zimmer. (ahhh I uttered the Z word....Ill stop here!)