Thanks William for starting this thread.
I used to detest Horner and his music somehow but I dont want to be too nasty to him given he is not alive, and had a very sad demise.
To me Horner and Hermann are like night and day. They shouldnt even be compared. The other day I was hearing Hermann's Symphony no 1. So masterful.
Hermann is one of the truly great masters of 20th century classical music, not just film scores.
To your point about plagiarism by Horner, you know the common retort of his fans will be...they will say that everyone copies and even Williams stole from Holst for Star wars. What they do not realize is that Williams never took the raw themes, but masterfully crafted a new score that was inspired by The Planets.
Another composer I really like is Goldsmith..although probably not a great symphonist like Hermann, Goldsmith was so innovative and original.